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2022/8/25 下午3:39 Gmail - 🌞 (Day 4) Your Values

Angel L <>

🌞 (Day 4) Your Values

1 封郵件

Songy Knox <> 2020年8月9日 下午1:09

收件者: Angel <>


Did you have to think hard about your personal values in the workbook?

It’s best if you don’t think too hard about it. I mean, write down what comes to
you almost immediately rather than mulling things over.

The best way is to take one of those tests I suggested in the workbook.
(Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated to either of them. Only suggesting them because I
found them really useful for me and for my clients).

One of the challenges one of my clients had was this. She wasn’t thrilled with
her topmost values out of the test. She was saying:

"What am I supposed to do with that for my business (for branding)?"

My advice?

Read the following section very carefully.

You are not merely what you do OR how well you do what you do.

Your values make you who you are at the core if you truly live by them.

Understanding this holds the key to seeing the gift you bring to the world. And
the value you add to people you seek to serve.… 1/2
2022/8/25 下午3:39 Gmail - 🌞 (Day 4) Your Values

Your brand is not simply about how you look. It’s WHOLE of you – the way you
speak, think, behave and the people you hang out with.

How do you feel about your values now?

P.S. Angel, I realise you're doing this amazing work all alone! Personally, understanding my
values and getting to live by them for my brand was a complete game-changer for me. Be
sure to register to enrol in the free mini-course I made for you if you haven't registered yet.

Access Your Free Course - Brand Build Primer

Songy Knox

Personal Brand Coach & Photographer

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