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2022/8/25 下午3:41 Gmail - (Day 5) FREE Course+Black is NOT your colour 🔳◼◾⚫

Angel L <>

(Day 5) FREE Course+Black is NOT your colour 🔳◼◾⚫

1 封郵件

Songy Knox <> 2020年8月10日 下午1:10

收件者: Angel <>


If you’re like most of my clients you’d have a lot of black stuff in your wardrobe.
You would even say black IS your colour while your eyes are green and you are

You know where I’m going with this. Black is NOT your colour unless you share
the same colour palette with me – Dark Winter.

Chances are you don’t. If you do, great! 😎

I often hear clients say – Black is sliming. Let me show you how it is not.

Narelle often wears black (just like most of you). She is blonde and blue-green
eyed. What do you notice in the image on the left?… 1/2
2022/8/25 下午3:41 Gmail - (Day 5) FREE Course+Black is NOT your colour 🔳◼◾⚫

The photo on the left – all I see is the black jacket which incidentally makes her
look bigger than her size. Clients always tell me that black makes them look
slim, but watch out! It’s not true, as you can see.

The photo on the right – I can see Narelle’s face and the whole photo looks

I found this useful tool if you’d like to find your own palette online.

Just in case you missed it in the first email, Angel.

I've given you bonus access to Brand Build Primer in my learning portal. You
can simply register (it's FREE) and enrol into the course so that you can have
the maximum benefit from this brand-building project. Don't miss out.

Songy Knox

Personal Brand Coach & Photographer

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