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Digital And Social Media Marketing Campaign for Seasons by Sarah Boutique

Digital Marketing Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Master
of Business Administration.


ANIRVINA C URS - 2227004

ANNA GEROGE - 2227006
JOHNSEY ROY - 2227327

Under the Guidance of


School of Business and Management

February - May 2023



Seasons by Sarah has an exclusive collection of customized designer outfits, casuals and
party wear. The company ensures that the dresses are personalized in such a way that the
customer feels unique and comfortable. It is situated in Kanjirapally, Kerala. The company is
involved in both online and offline business and international shipping is also available. The
company deals mostly with wedding attires.


Web presence NA


Facebook NA

Pinterest NA

LinkedIn NA

Company NA


Seasons by Sarah provide their customers with Wedding gowns, fine jewellery, gloves,
bridesmaid gowns, shoes, flower bouquets, groom suits and tuxedos etc. The organization
sells ready-made, made-to-measure and designer bridal gowns, as well as outfits for the rest
of the wedding party. In addition to the wedding outfits some additional accessories like veil,
hair extensions, bracelets, earrings etc. are also provided.

High Income Women : One of the major target market for the company is the women of age
ranging from 25-40 who has a high earning capacity and has interests in the latest fashion and
who would like to have personalised products for them.

Weddings and Events: Another target market for the company would be various events and
weddings which would require customised clothing with a grand appeal, be it the bride or the
attendants . So with respect to that, given the geographical location the company has a great
potential to grow in that segment.

Social Media Influencers : Various social media influencers prefers designers inorder to get
the best outfits as they allow them an option to personalise their products. So these
influencers approach the designers for the products they want and while doing so the
company also gets a promotion through their pages.

• Customization of dress
• Warm hospitality
• Affordability
• Delivery commitment


Competitors Instagram Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Web Page
Alda Yes No Yes No No

Mitha Daniel Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Vintage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Currently Seasons by Sarah is using both online and offline mode of sales strategies. Seasons
by Sarah has an outlet located in Kerala, Kanjirapally. They use different sales strategies like:

Exclusivity: New exclusive and unique collection of the wedding accessories are sold at a
higher price to the customers. These category of collection are needed to be booked in
advance and will be there in limited number only.

Up-selling: The customers are encouraged to buy the better version of dress or accessories
from what they had in mind.

Use of social media: Seasons by Sarah is currently using Instagram to make their product
available to the customers online and they are also shipping their products internationally.


Internet marketing that makes use of social media apps is known as social media
marketing (SMM). Businesses may interact with their target market through these social
media channels to develop their brands, boost sales, and enhance website traffic.

Medias Chosen


Considering the objectives mentioned above and the target audience being Gen Z,
particularly college students, and youth, the media we have chosen for our project is
Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube, which would contribute best to our project. Thus, the
choice of Media is Instagram, pinterest and YouTube.

Rank the applicable goals of your social media campaign from 1 to 7 with 1 as your top
Increase traffic visit to hub/site 3 25% Increased
Branding 5 Created and achieved
Building relationships 2 Achieved
Improving visibility in natural 6 18% Increased
Increasing visit to physical 4 15% Increased
Brand awareness 1 40% increase achieved
Saving money on paid 7 -


The company has its business presence throughout the Asian continent but has its major focus
in India, predominantly South India. The company sees the functions of Christian community
as the oppourtunity for their growth so as a result they mainly give importance to South India
and parts of North India where the Christian population is high.



Increase traffic visit to 15% 50%
Building relationships Insta Followers: 1443 Insta Followers: 3000
Brand awareness Instagram: Average reach Instagram: Average reach
100 500
Increasing visit to physical 40% 60%


• Facebook - As of now there is no Facebook account for the company but they have been
given a plan to start their account and make aware to the public of their presence through it.
There is also an opportunity to share genuine client reviews on the same page as it may
attract more people and increases the reach of the company.

• YouTube – A Youtube channel can be created so as to show the latest designs and videos
in the process of making the outfits as it may convey the customers an idea of how these are
made and it would also give some insights about the size and the scalability of the company.

• Email marketing – One of the latest trends in advertising is via email, which is a method of
direct reach to the customers. It also helps the customers to personalise their choices and give
feedback to the company which in turn helps the company to provide better services.

• SEM – This is an effective way to reach your company’s specific customers and provide
them the required services. This is an extended and advanced version of email marketing and
has a great potential to make the company visible in the market.



Introduction to Google Ads

The Google Display Network includes other websites besides those that are members of the
Google Display Network. Google Ads is an advertising platform that Google developed that
enables companies and people to build and display ads on Google's search engine results
The pay-per-click (PPC) approach used by Google Ads means that marketers only have to
pay when a user clicks on their advertisement. The several ad forms available to advertisers
include text, display, video, and shopping. They can target their adverts depending on
demographics, location, devices, and keywords.
Conversion tracking, ad scheduling, and remarketing are just a few of the tools and
capabilities that Google Ads offers to assist marketers in perfecting their campaigns and
monitoring their effectiveness.


Step 1

 Create a Google Ads account if you don't already have one: You must do this in order
to use Google Ads.

 Select our campaign type: Make "Search" the campaign type you've chosen.

 Establish our campaign: Name, budget, bid strategy, location targeting, and ad
scheduling for your campaign should be decided.

 Selecting our keywords: Choose keywords that are pertinent to your industry and that
customers may use to find similar items or services.

 Making our ads Create catchy advertising copy that features your keywords and
emphasizes the advantages of your goods or services.

 Activate conversion monitoring: Activate conversion tracking to monitor the progress

of your campaign and make adjustments as needed.
Step 2

 Name our ad group and select the appropriate campaign and bidding strategy.

 Write our ad copy: Write ads that are relevant to the keywords in this ad group. Make
sure to include the keywords in your ad headlines and descriptions.

 Set our targeting options: Choose the targeting options for this ad group, such as
location, language, and device.

 Set our bid: Set your bid for this ad group based on your budget and the competition
for your chosen keywords.
Step 3

1. Select our campaign goal: Choose the goal that aligns with the objective of your
advertising campaign. The options include sales, leads, website traffic, brand
awareness, and more.
2. Choose our campaign type: Choose the campaign type that best suits your advertising
goals. The options include Search, Display, Video, Shopping, and App.
3. Name our campaign: Give your campaign a name that is relevant to your advertising
4. Set your budget: Determine your daily budget for your campaign.
5. Choose our target audience: Select the audience we want to target with your ads. You
can choose specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.
6. Choose our keywords: Select the keywords you want to target with your ads. You can
use the Google Ads Keyword Planner tool to find new keywords.
7. Create our ad groups: Create ad groups within our campaign to organize our ads and
8. Write our ad copy: Write ads relevant to each ad group’s keywords. Make sure to
include the keywords in our ad headlines and descriptions.
9. Set our bid: Set our bid for each ad group based on our budget and the competition for
our chosen keywords.
10. Save our campaign: Once we completed all the necessary steps, save our campaign
and launch our ads.

Step 4

The average budget of 333 Indian rupees. Which is a bit less expensive compared to
other types of marketing. As they are still a budding company this gives an immense
advantage for them to reach out to their specific customer.

Seasons by Sarah on Facebook posts once every week on average. This might be related to
festive discounts, offers, events and celebrationsand others, including new collections and

The reach and net followers in Facebook has shown significant increase even though
Facebook is not our primary platform. . The 18- 30 age group acquires a large part of the
reach, as they are a group of people who use Facebook to a more significant extent.

Posts are commented on and shared and there is a 100% increase short video views from the
past 28 days. Due to inconsistency in the posts uploading in the end of April, the views have
reduced. And there is a little increase as the posts and reels have reached non-followers,
which shows that people have been more exposed to Seasons by Sarah uploads.

Impressions: In the last 30 days, we received a total of 1.7K

impressions on Pinterest. Impressions are a crucial metric to
track because they indicate how many times the content was
seen by users on the platform.

Engagement: The total engagement received during the same

period was 71. Engagement includes saves, clicks, comments,
and likes. It is an important metric because it shows how the
audience is interacting with the content.

Saves: We received a total of 2 saves on Pinterest in the last 30 days. Saves indicate that the
content is relevant and valuable to the users, and they want to save it for future reference.
Audience: Our total audience on Pinterest was 503, and the engaged audience was 27. The
engaged audience is the number of unique users who engaged with our content during the last
30 days.

Gender: According to the data, 64.19% of the audience on

Pinterest is female, 31.49% are males, and 4.9% are others. This
information can help in creating targeted marketing campaigns
based on gender.

Devices: Among the devices used to access Pinterest, 74%

were Android mobiles, 14.3% were iPhone, and less than 5%
were iPads. It is essential to know which devices the audience
uses to optimize the content for better performance.

Top Locations: The majority of the audience is from India, which

accounts for 57.5% of the total audience. Other top locations
include Pakistan, South Africa, and the US, each with a share of
3.7%, 2.1%, and 2.1%, respectively.


YouTube Metrics:

Watch Time: In the last 28 days, we received a total of 0.4 hours of watch time on our
YouTube channel. Watch time is a crucial metric to track because it indicates how much time
users spend watching our content on the platform.

Views: We received a total of 98 views on our YouTube

channel in the last 28 days. Views indicate how many
times our videos were watched by users on the platform

Returning Viewers: We had a total of 10 returning viewers on our

YouTube channel during the same period. Returning viewers are
users who have previously watched our content and have come
back to watch more, which indicates their interest and engagement
with our brand.
Subscribers: Our total number of subscribers on YouTube is 121. Subscribers are people who
have opted to receive notifications for new videos that we upload, and they are more likely to
engage with our content and share it with others


From the above visualization generated by Professional dashboard of Instagram, more than
7.6K accounts have been reached during Mar 18th to April 16th. Out of which, 6k accounts
acquired are non-followers. The 2nd image gives an insight about the accounts reached,
engaged, and followed. So, there is a vast reach for Seasons by Sarah among the users. The
reach is achieved because of the quality of posts and the hashtags used while posting. As of
April, the reach has been high. But it is also seen that, after the 2nd week of April, there has
been a fall and again there is an increase, which is clearly because of the gap in posting
content, and again when the content is posted regularly, the reach has got up.

This 12 second reel which was posted on April

14th got 19.2k views within a short duration of a
week when the screenshot was taken this shows
that the reach has increased and consumers are
now recognizing the brand.

Between 17th April to 23rd April there has been a

In the accounts reached and engaged
This means that this particular set of people are
constantly involved in creating impressions; they are building
relationships with the brand and are interested in it. And this set
of Audiences would have indulged in branding also through
sharing the
content posted to their friends, family, and close circle.
We can see that now Seasons by Sarah is broadening their reach to other cities and states as
well. Dubai has around 2.7% of its audience. And out of the audience 1075 are active
followers of their Instagram page.


 Target Audience: The local boutique's target audience consists of fashion-conscious

individuals within the local community, predominantly females between the ages of
25 and 45. They are interested in unique, high-quality clothing items and accessories.

 Brand Identity: The boutique has a strong brand identity focused on offering
exclusive, handcrafted products that reflect the latest fashion trends while promoting
sustainability and ethical practices.

 Online Presence: The boutique has a basic website but lacks a comprehensive online
presence. Their social media presence is limited, with sporadic posts and minimal
engagement. There is significant room for improvement in leveraging digital
platforms to reach a wider audience.

 Competitor Analysis: Several competitors, both local and online, have a strong digital
presence and engage effectively with their target audience through various channels,
including social media, email marketing, and influencer collaborations.

 Customer Engagement: The boutique has limited customer engagement initiatives,

such as contests, giveaways, or interactive campaigns. There is a missed opportunity
to foster a loyal customer base and increase brand advocacy.


 Social Media Strategy: Develop a robust social media strategy to increase brand
visibility, engagement, and customer acquisition. Regularly post high-quality images
of new arrivals, styling tips, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Engage with followers
by responding to comments and messages promptly.

 Influencer Collaborations: Identify local influencers or fashion bloggers whose style

aligns with the boutique's brand and collaborate with them to promote the boutique's
products. This can help reach a wider audience and build credibility.

 Content Marketing: Create engaging and informative content related to fashion,

styling tips, and industry trends. Publish blog posts on the website and share them on
social media. This will position the boutique as an authority in the fashion niche and
attract potential customers.

 Email Marketing: Build an email list by offering incentives such as exclusive

discounts, early access to sales, or a newsletter containing fashion tips and updates.
Regularly send personalized emails to subscribers to keep them engaged and informed
about new arrivals, promotions, and events.

 Local SEO Optimization: Optimize the website and online listings for local search
queries by including location-specific keywords, updating business information, and
obtaining positive customer reviews. This will help the boutique rank higher in local
search results.

 User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share their outfit photos featuring

boutique products on social media using a branded hashtag. Repost and share user-
generated content to showcase the boutique's products and foster a sense of
community among customers.

 Collaborate with Local Events: Partner with local fashion events, charity fundraisers,
or other community initiatives. Sponsor or participate in these events to increase
brand visibility and establish connections within the local fashion community.

 Analytics and Measurement: Implement tracking tools such as Google Analytics to

monitor website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Regularly review the
analytics data to identify successful campaigns and make data-driven decisions for
future marketing efforts.

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