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Alonso Aguilar Guzmán

My philosophy of life
Wisdom, cooperation, and Ethical Leadership: Embracing them for Global Impact.
My name is Alonso Aguilar, I am 17 years old and I am currently completing my first
semester at UAM College of my global finance degree.
I have encountered difficulties, setbacks, and breakdowns, but I have also grown, found
success, and had successful moments. I firmly believe that perseverance and flexibility are
powerful tools for navigating the constantly shifting terrain of life. I have four roles: son,
sibling, friend, and community member. My upbringing, my cultural background, and the
relationships I have developed over time have all shaped who I am. The societies, cultures,
and environments I have lived in have also had an impact on me. I am committed to using my
voice and influence in a responsible manner because I am aware that my actions could cause
ripples of change.
I am a singular synthesis of experiences, convictions, ideals, and aspirations. I am a dynamic,
growing entity made up of all of my thoughts, feelings, and deeds. Unfortunately I do not
have a concise answer to the question Who am I? but as the years go by and my life
progresses I hope to be able to see more clearly, connecting all aspects of my inner self with
the world around me.
Throughout this semester in philosophy class I learned to incorporate the following values
into my life:
Wisdom: To develop wisdom and make wise decisions, pursue knowledge, critical thinking,
and ongoing learning.
Integrity: Uphold solid moral values, acting morally and consistently in all situations.
Empathy: Show others compassion, empathy, and respect while acknowledging their inherent
dignity and worth.
Collaboration: To accomplish shared objectives and address global challenges, promoting
teamwork among individuals and groups.
I have learned to explore a variety of fields, by reading influential books, such as Cicero's
"On Duties," Senge's "The Fifth Discipline," and Socrates' Socratic dialogues, as part of my
commitment to lifelong learning.
To set a good example by upholding honesty, openness, and responsibility in all of my
actions and decision-making. To effectively address issues on a global scale, cultivate a broad
understanding of international issues, cultures, and perspectives.
In my time in the class I also had the task of embodying two very important people in the
field of philosophy:
The influential Roman philosopher Cicero placed a strong emphasis on the value of justice,
virtue, and the common good. His writings, like "On Duties," emphasize the moral
obligations of followers and leaders. Cicero's philosophy emphasizes the importance of moral
behavior and the pursuit of knowledge for the advancement of society, and it is consistent
with the values of integrity, wisdom, and impact.
Organizational theorist Peter Senge promoted systems thinking, group learning, and the
creation of learning organizations. His book "The Fifth Discipline" encourages collaboration,
shared purpose, and ongoing development. Senge's philosophy is consistent with the ideals of
teamwork, excellence, and global awareness by stressing the value of encouraging a
collective mindset, utilizing a variety of viewpoints, and continuously learning in order to
address challenging global issues.

Socrates: Well-known Greek philosopher Socrates emphasized self-reflection, skepticism,

and the search for the truth. He promoted questioning presumptions and examining various
viewpoints through the Socratic method. Since Socrates emphasized the value of intellectual
humility, moral decision-making, and taking into account various points of view in global
leadership contexts, his philosophy is consistent with the values of wisdom, empathy, and
ethical leadership.
The importance of ethics in global leadership is emphasized in the philosophies of Cicero,
Senge, and Socrates. Leaders can develop an ethical framework for decision-making that
fosters trust, fairness, and social responsibility by embracing strong moral principles. Ethical
leadership encourages others to act honorably and makes sure that decisions take into account
the interests of both the individual and the larger society.
The philosophies of Senge and Socrates are fundamentally based on cooperation and
teamwork. To effectively address complex challenges in the context of global leadership,
collaboration across cultures, disciplines, and backgrounds is essential.
Cicero's emphasis on justice and the common good serves as a reminder to decision-makers
to take the bigger picture into account.

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