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Depending on Technology

Technology has been developing these days over a huge range, and people have been

recently using it more than ever to finish their studies, contact with their friends, and entertain

theirselves. Relying on modern technology has many benefits for humans’ everyday tasks.

People should depend more on modern technology for two significant reasons, developing their

performance and helping them getting their work done with a great accuracy and faster time.

One of the convincing reasons of depending on modern technology is developing

humans’ performance. Depending on and relying on technology would improve the performance

of people and allow them to get more creative with their work. For example, getting work done

with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Also, for teachers, teaching in a way that involve

technology and its activities would provide every student with a wholesome level of

understanding. If people depend more on modern technology, it will have a significant

improvement in a lot of ways of a human’s performance.

Another significant reason of relying on technology more than usual is getting work done

with both greater accuracy and speed. When people use internet to help with their work, they

would get the best results in a minimized time compared to being less dependent on technology.

For example, when students and workers need to get information as fast as possible, they would

straight get to the internet instead of searching for the perfect book for the specific topic that they

need. Also, nowadays they are a lot of developing in the medical sector because of using

technology, such as using robots to preform surgeries. If people depend more on technology, they

will get the best out of using the technology like accuracy and time.
To conclude, people should rely and depend more on modern technology due to

significant results such as, developing the performance and getting more accuracy in the perfect

amount of time. It will develop in many sectors and life tasks that would have been much more

harder to deal with as an independent person on technology. Depending on technology will

provide people with better performance due to having creative technologies that would benefit

them in their life. Moreover, relying on technology will give people a chance to get their work

done with both speed and accuracy. As a result of being dependent on modern technology, people

would have an easier and more developed perspective than others who don’t.

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