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The Reasons of Traveling

According to my recipient, in my interview he said the factors why he had to go different countries or
city, he also shared an experience about his travel and in the experience while he is outside the country.

According to him traveling outside is very expensive but it is very worth it if you go to the place that you
wanted to see and visit, and you can feel great and can make your memorable experience while you are
traveling, because many tourists spot or attractions that you can visit which can make your day happy and relax,
also he discover different cultures of the cities that he visit, different kinds of dishes which is very popular to the
country, also he buy different souvenirs which signifies for the image of country. And while he visited the country
or place many tourists spot, he got visited and many tourist activities he got experienced, even though he is
afraid he tried it to make his expense worth it, and the activities that he has experience are rope bike riding, zip
lining, hiking, and many more, also he already stay different hotels or accommodation while he staying to the
country that he visited, and according to him hotels are very accommodating because it has a nice facilities
which he can relax and can rest properly also it have nice hotel crew which is very kind and respectful to their
guest but some, hotel are not really nice to stay because of the facilities are not so good in terms of service

The factors he said why he got traveled to different cities or going outside the country are, first he said
because of job, that’s why he got traveled to see great opportunities and have more salary, because according to
him working outside is very hard but you can earn more compare when you are working here in the country,
example is he is now working at the Papua New Guinea as supervisor EY company one of the biggest company
and now he is staying for almost a year because of his job. One factor because of the tourists that why he got
traveled and to experience different tourists activities, one example of this was traveled going to Davao to try
different tourist activities which zip lining, rope bike riding, and hiking, also he go their to visit different beaches
and different dishes which are very popular in the place, also he was going to different cities because of
medication or health concerns, example are during his medication in his goiter he going to Ilo Ilo city to treat his
disease because his physician or doctor are in Ilo Ilo city, because he refers to go to Ilo Ilo has more have
complete equipment in terms in medical purposes and have more physician compare here in Antique. And also
he said one of the factors while people got traveled because of emergency problems or family problem, example
of this if one our family got died and he is on the other places we should visit them to show their importance and
love to them, and last factors that he said is he travels because to attend different kind of occasions which he
got invited, example of his experience one his family member hot married and she was leaving Manila city that’s
why he got traveled there to attend the celebration or wedding of his auntie.

And according to him during his travel he got some many problems that he got encountered and one of
the problems are money, he said travel anywhere is very nice if you have a money because traveling is expensive,
also unfamiliarized to the place that he visited because according to him he already experienced that he got lost
one time when he visited the place in the first time. Also adjusting for the culture of place that he visited, one of
this is during his travel near to the Mindanao place he can’t eat a pork meat because many people there are
prohibited to eat pork and he is very scared because it is near for the place of the terrorist or NPA.

For the conclusion traveling is nice but we should now where we should go and to make our experience
worth it, always plan where you wanted to go make your experience more memorable, because “Travel opens
your heart, broadens your mind, and fills your life with stories to tell”.

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