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Group 1:

1. Fix - to repair or mend something.

2. Flight - the act of traveling through the air, typically on an airplane.
3. Find out - to discover or learn about something.
4. Garden - an outdoor space used for growing plants and flowers.
5. Future - a period of time that is yet to come.
6. Frequently - happening often or at short intervals.
Group 2:
1. Feature - a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.
2. Forget - to fail to remember something.
3. For example - as an illustration or instance of something.
4. Fun - enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.
5. Gift - a thing given willingly to someone without payment.
6. Garage - a building or indoor space used for storing vehicles or equipment.
Group 3:
1. Finally - at last, after a long wait or delay.
2. First - coming before all others in order or importance.
3. Fuel - a substance used to provide energy, typically for vehicles or machines.
4. Function - the purpose for which something is designed or exists.
5. Friend - a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection or respect.
6. Generous - showing a readiness to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected.
Group 4:
1. Fly - to travel through the air using wings or other means.
2. Get rid of - to eliminate or dispose of something.
3. Get - to obtain or acquire something.
4. Force - strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.
5. Favorite - something or someone that is preferred over others.
6. Find - to discover or locate something that was previously unknown or hidden.

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