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UNIT 5: Ratios and Proportions

1. For each of these necklaces, write down the ratio of red beads to yellow beads.

2. Write each of these ratios in its simplest form.

a. 2 : 8
b. 2 : 12
c. 3 : 6
d. 3 : 15
e. 4 : 8
f. 4 : 12
3. Helena sees this recipe for pastry. She says that the ratio of margarine to fl our is 4 : 1.
Is Helena correct? Explain your answer.

4. Copy and complete the workings to share $45 between Ethan and Julie in the ratio 1 :
a. Total number of parts: 1 + 4 =__.
b. Value of one part: $45 ÷ __=__.
c. Ethan gets: 1 × __=__.
d. Julie gets: 4 × __=__.
5. Raine and Abella share an electricity bill in the ratio 5 : 4. The electricity bill is $72. How
much does each of them pay?
6. Brad and Lola bought a painting for $120. Brad paid $80 and Lola paid $40.
a. Write the ratio of the amount they each paid in its simplest form.
b. Ten years later they sold the painting for $630. How much should each of them
7. Three bananas weigh 375 grams. Copy and complete the working to find the weight of
eight bananas.
a. 1 banana weighs: 375 ÷ 3 = __.
b. 8 bananas weigh: 8 × __ = __.
8. A recipe for four people uses 800 g of chicken. Copy and complete the workings to find
the weight of chicken needed for:
a. 20 people.
Weight of chicken for 4 people: 800 g.
The connection between 4 and 20 is: 20 ÷ 4 = __.
Weight of chicken for 20 people: 800 g × __ = __ g.
b. 6 people.
Weight of chicken for 4 people: 800 g.
Weight of chicken for 2 people: 800 g ÷ 2 = __ g.
Weight of chicken for 6 people: 800 g + __ g = __ g.
9. This is part of Li-Ming’s homework. Explain what she has done wrong and work out the
right answer.
10. A teacher orders homework books for her class of 30 students. The total value of the
order is $135. Two more students join her class, so she orders two extra books. What is
the total value of the order now?
UNIT 6: Sexagesimal System
1. Complete this table:

You write: You read:

64° 53’ 19’’ Sixty four degrees fifty three minutes nineteen seconds

26° 42’ 38’’

Seventy degrees ten minutes twenty seconds

7° 9’ 56’’

One hundred thirty five degrees fifty six minutes forty seven

Ninety degrees fifty one seconds

2. Say if these affirmations are true or false.

a. 52° 30’ is an angle equal to 82°
b. 64° 30’ is an angle bigger than 64° and smaller than 65°
c. 75° 32’ 17’’ is bigger than 75°
d. 123° 58’ is an angle very close to 124°, but smaller.
e. 16° 24’, 16° 31’ and 16° 49’ are angles that are in between 16° and 17°
3. Order, from smaller to bigger (using the sign “<”) the next groups of angles.
a. 60° 25’ 37’’ – 60° 26’ – 60°
b. 27° 19’ – 27° – 27° 24’
c. 31° 43’’ 52’’ – 31° – 31° 43’
4. Join these three columns to the corresponding conversion.

2° 120’ 7200’’

8° 240’ 43200’’

12° 1260’ 14400’’

4° 480’ 75600’’

21° 720’ 28800’’

5. It’s 6 in the afternoon. How many minutes have passed since 15 past 2 on the
6. It’s 8:30. What time is it going to be in
a. A half hour
b. One hour
c. Two hours and a half
7. A photocopy machine makes 35 copies in one minute.
a. How many copies is it going to make in 15 minutes?
b. How many minutes will it take to make 490 fotocopies?
8. Solve these additions and subtractions:
a. 27° 16’ 38’’ + 41° 23’ 15’’
b. 95° 48’ 36’’ – 29° 31’ 10’’
c. 114° 40’’ 9’’ + 37° 18’ 42’’
d. 63° 14’ 50’’ – 16° 5’ 8’’
9. Solve these multiplications and divisions:
a. 66° 45’ 36’’ ÷ 4
b. 74° 33’ 18’’ ÷ 6
c. 46° 53’ 18’’ ÷ 3
d. 56° 20’ 40’’ x 2
e. 25° 12’ 37’’ x 5
f. 53° 17’ 52’’ x 4
10. A washing machine works 7 hours, 20 minutes and 40 seconds daily. How much time
does it work from Monday to Friday?
UNIT 7: Combined Operations
1. Solve each combined operation.
a. 6(5 + 3) − 7
b. (36÷3÷4 ) + 21 + 12 × 2
c. 9 × 8×10 − (37 + 4) + 2
d. 120 − {24÷4 + [25 + (2×9 )] − 7×4÷4 }
e. 3×[ 270÷(83 − 81)]
f. 35 − [3 + 2×(5 + 6÷3×4)]
g. {55×4 − [36 − (5 + 8×3)]}÷3
h. {[18 + (15 − 7)×2]÷2} + {25 − [3×(16 − 15)]}
i. 15 − 3×12÷6 + 16÷8
j. [63 − 2×(165÷5)] + [53 + (62 + 25)]
UNIT 8: Equations
1. Simplify each of these.
a. 𝑥 + 𝑥 + 𝑥 + 𝑥 + 𝑥
b. 6𝑡 + 3𝑡 + 4𝑡
c. 2𝑎 + 3𝑎 + 5𝑏
d. 3𝑐 + 5𝑐 + 2𝑑 + 𝑑
e. 12 + 6ℎ + 8𝑘 − 6 − 3ℎ + 3𝑘
2. In an algebraic pyramid, you find the expression in each block by adding the
expressions in the two blocks below it. Copy and complete these pyramids.

3. Write each expression in its simplest form.

a. 3𝑠𝑡 + 5𝑠𝑡 + 9𝑝𝑢 + 7𝑢𝑝
b. 4𝑣𝑏 + 2𝑏𝑣 + 6𝑎𝑑 − 4𝑑𝑎
c. 11𝑟𝑡 + 9𝑔ℎ − 2𝑟𝑡 − 7ℎ𝑔
4. Expand the brackets.
a. 2(𝑥 + 5)
b. 3(𝑦 + 6)
c. 4(𝑤 + 2)
d. 3(2𝑥 + 1)
e. 4(3𝑦 + 5)
f. 2(3𝑏 − 4)
5. Solve each of these equations and check your answers.
a. 𝑥 + 4 = 11
b. 2 + 𝑥 = 15
c. 𝑥 − 18 = 30
d. 12𝑥 = 72
e. 7
f. 15 = 𝑦 + 3
g. 13 = 𝑦 − 5
h. 42 = 6𝑦
i. 2
j. 3𝑎 − 2 = 13
k. 9 = 3
6. Write an equation for each of these. Solve each equation to find the value of the
unknown number.
a. ‘I think of a number and add 3. The answer is 18.’
b. ‘I think of a number and subtract 4. The answer is 10.’
c. ‘I think of a number, multiply it by 4 and then add 2. The answer is 26.’
d. ‘I think of a number, divide it by 3 and then subtract 8. The answer is 4.’

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