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Outline persuasive

Topic: covid19
Name : Angli de los Ángeles Gudiel Solís .
Stiven David Toval Canales

Getting persusive

The covid19 pandemic has presented us with an unprecedented global challenge , affeting every
community in every nation around the world .


Our porpuse is the desire of the DGI to contribute to the university community and society in general , in
the dissemimation of knowledge gererated with scientific rigor and endorsed by high evaluation

What is meant by “new” coronavirus?

 A new coronavirus (cov) is a new strain of coronavirus.

How is covid -19 spread?

 Direct contact
 Severe sneezing
 Through the air

What are the symptoms of the coronavirus ?

 Fever
 Loss of smell
 Breathing difficuties

How can I avoid the risk of infection?

 Handwhashing
 Cover your mouth
 See a doctor

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