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The boy who broke the bank

By : 8A Bois

Ayden enters goes near the teachers table and starts sweeping just showing
ac on of angrily saying stuff and not doing work properly.

Narrator (Surya): Nathu, the sweeper boy grumbled to himself as he was

sweeping the steps of Seth Govind Ram’s Bank, a man whose haphazard
business deals had o en bought him to the verge of ruin. Nathu had been in
such a bad mood because he had not received his monthly salary for 2 months
Soon a er, as he was sweeping the steps, his friend, Sitaram, the washerman’s
son, passed by. He was on his usual delivery round as he saw Nathu and said:
Sitaram (Yohan): Hey! Don’t rase so much dust! My clothes will get dirty!
Ayden stops dus ng and angrily looks at Yohan.
Sitaram (Yohan): Are you s ll angry that the bank has not paid you your salary?
Nathu (Ayden): I don’t want to talk about it. They haven’t given me my salary
for two months! A er I get my money I’m off! Not another week I’ll work in this
Sitaram (Yohan): Well good luck. And I’ll be on the lookout on a new job for
Ayden leaves stage and Shreyash enters and stands near the teachers table
while Yohan goes around pretending to give cloths near the teachnext thingy.
Narrator (Surya): At the fourth home he visited, Sitaram heard a woman saying
how difficult it as to find someone who could sweep the courtyard. Hearing this
Sitaram stepped forward.
Sitaram (Yohan): I know of a sweeper boy who might be able to work for you
from next month. He’s with Seth Govind ram’s bank right now but they aren’t
giving him his pay so he wants to leave
Mrs. Prakash (Shreyash): Oh, is that so? Why aren’t they paying him?
Yohan shrugs
Shreyash starts laughing
Mrs. Prakash (Shreyash): Well, tell him to come and see me when he’s free.
Yohan leaves the scene and we transi on into:

Shreyash takes his lunch bag and heads out for the baazar (conveniently
placed near the door) and Siddiq stays near the teachnext.
Narrator (Surya): Soon a erwards, Mrs. Bhushan goes to the baazar to take a
look around the cloth shops where she sees her friend, Mrs. Bhushan.
Shreyash goes and talks to Siddiq for a few seconds (Ac ng).
Mrs. Prakash (Shreyash): Did you know? Seth Govind Rams Bank can’t even
pay their employees? Only today I heard a complaint that their sweeper boy
hasn’t received his pay for 2 months!
Mrs. Bhushan (Siddiq): It’s disgraceful! If they can their sweeper boy the other
employees might not be ge ng their pay either.
Shreyash leaves the scene and Siddiq goes to the teachers table where
Aaryan and Sai will go as soon as Shreyash leaves scene.
Narrator (surya): A er this, Mrs. Bhushan goes to find her husband, who
conveniently was in Jugal Kishore’s Shop across the road from here she and the
tree where she and Mrs. Prakash were cha ng.
Mrs. Bhushan (Siddiq): Ah! There you are! I’ve been looking for you
everywhere! I don’t know what is happening in this town. Did you know that
Seth Govind Ram’s bank is going bankrupt?
Mr. Kishore (Aaryan): What did you say? It’s going bankrupt?!
Mrs. Bhushan (Siddiq): Yes, it is! Don’t tell me you have an account with them!
Mr. Kishore (Aaryan): No but my neighbour has!
Aahil and Kenneth enter the scene and go near the teachnext
Aaryan shouts to Aahil
Mr. Kishore (Aaryan): Faiz Hussain! Have you heard? Seth Govind Ram’s bank is
about to collapse! Get your money out while there’s s ll me!
Aahil *hits* (so ly) Kenneths ear and Kenneth yelps. Then Kenneth runs out
and gets to a phone which I will keep at the first bench. Then he pretens to
make a call and then shouts to them.
Old Gentleman (Kenneth): The bird has flown! Seth Govind has le the town!
Definitely means a collapse. Ill have my haircut another me! I need to get my


All people line up and we will do an act as if were doing Chinese Whisper.
All will act shocked.

All will line up near the teachnext and will throw paper balls at the teachers
table where Jeswin will be standing (don’t hit Jeswin pls miss him).

Narrator (Surya): By A ernoon, the whole town had assembled at the bank and
were throwing small pebbles at the bank door.
Everyone: Give us our money! We know the Seth is hiding in the vaults! Fetch
Him! We will tear down this bank if you don’t give us our money fast!
Jeswin steps forward
Narrator (Surya): The Bank manager tries to keep everything under control.
Bank Manager (Jeswin): Please wait! We won’t have enough money to give to
you all right now. We will give you all your money by tomorrow!
Narrator (Surya): By now, all of the mischief-makers in town (Joyal and Linkesh
join the crowd) who didn’t have even a paisa in the bank joined in and
demanded money.

Joyal or Linkesh will throw a big ball of paper at Jeswin and Jeswin will run
away. A er he does Richard will come in with a bo le and tell everyone to go
away. Someone will shout “We will come back tomorrow” and then everyone
will leave stage except of Yohan (Ayden not present in any of the “EVERYONE


Narrator (Surya): Poor Nathu had to deal with all the broken pieces of rubble
and glass from the a ermath of the bombardment of stones and pebbles. He
angrily shouted
Yohan comes near Nathu
Sitaram (Yohan): Hello Nathu! Read to take up a new job? You will have to since
the bank is closing down.
Nathu (Ayden): What! What did you say?
Sitaram (Yohan): Havent you heard? The bank has gone bankrupt! If you stay
here then you might be lucky to get your money back. A horde of people will
come today to get their money from the bank.
Yohan leaves the scene.
Ayden sits down.
Nathu (Ayden): Who would’ve thought the bank would go bankrupt? I wonder
how it would’ve happened.

All actors get up on stag and bow and go back to their seats.


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