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Pembukaan :

Hallo, good morning my beloved students, How are u today?

So for the first let me introduce myself, I’am langgeng wicaksono, my students
number is 21520017

in this short occasion, I will be your teacher and all of you will be my students. I
will teach with the TPR method Translate in Indonesia

Materi :

So today we will learn about “Parts Of Body”, is there anyone know what is the
meaning of parts of body ? raise hand, angkat tangan Artinya Bagian” Tubuh

- for the first activity, menunjukkan gambar dan nama gambar, and you have to
repeat after me sambil memegang bagian tubuh yang ada digambar

- lets move to the second activity, semuanya berdiri ya,diberi jarak juga , kita akan
sing a song together…. Jamiah can u help me to become an instructor, I need one
more person untuk jadi pemandu gerakan didepan sama bapak, who wants to be
the volunteer?

- okay so for the last activity today, we will play a game.. Jelasin gamenya dalam
bahasa indo Amplop – Duduk sejajar – Something diputar – Music di play and stop
– pilih amplop – nama part of bodynya dibaca - ditempelkan di papan… waktu
stop the music bapak ga akan liat ya, jadi nanti biar fair

Okay, I think that’s all

pembelajaran yang singkat dan berakhir sangat cepat, namun saya yakin pasti

kesepian tanpa kekasih, sekian terima kasih.. Have a nice day everyone

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