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Detailed lesson plan in chemistry

1. DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN CHEMISTRY I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to: A. Discuss the difference between physical and chemical change; B. Appreciate the importance
of the knowledge on physical and chemical change in our life through citing its applications in our
community; and C. Write at least 5 examples of chemical and physical changes of matter. II. SUBJECT
MATTER: A. Topic: Changes of Matter B. Materials and References: *Candle, matchstick, paper, pentel
pen, Manila paper, *Visual Aids – Graphic Organizers *
chemistry/physical-and- chemical-changes.html
* s.htm C. Science Concepts:
Physical Change- is a change which occurs in size, shape, color, texture, state, magnetic or electrical
condition but the molecular composition remains totally unaltered. Chemical Change- a change during
which the molecular composition gets totally altered, that is change in which a new product is always
formed. D. Process Skills: Defining, Differentiating, Appreciating, Observing, Critical Thinking E. Value
Integration: Inquisitive mind and cooperation during the teaching-learning process F. Teaching
Strategies: Inquiry Approach, Discussion, Audio Visual Presentation

2. III. DEVELOPMENTAL TASK: Teacher’s Activity Teacher’s Activity Prayer Greeting Checking of
Attendance A. Review Last meeting, we learned about matter and its classification. So as a sort of
review, what is matter? Very good! What are the three classification of matter? Correct! What is the
difference between solid and liquid? Very good! What is the difference between solid and gas? Very
true! Now, how can we distinguish that a matter is a gas? Exactly! Student’s Activity Matter is anything
that occupies space and has mass. The three classification of matter are solid, liquid and gas. The
difference between solid and liquid is that Solid has a definite shape and volume while Liquid has a
definite volume and assumes the shape of the container. The difference between solid and gas is that
Solid has a definite shape and volume while Gas has no definite shape. We can distinguish that the
matter is a gas by its particles due to that the particles of gases are far from each other.

3. So, is there any question regarding our previous lesson? B. Motivation Class, I have here a piece of
paper and a candle with a matchstick. All you have to do is to tear the paper into small pieces and burn
the candle through a matchstick. I need two volunteers from the class. After you had performed the
activity, try to explain what happened to the piece of paper and to the candle. Those who are on their
sits, try to observe your classmate’s work. C. Presentation This afternoon, we are going to relate what
you have observed from your classmate’s work. Based from the activity that your classmates have done,
what will be our topic for this afternoon? Very good! This afternoon, we are going to discuss the two
changes of matter – the physical and chemical change. 1. Discussion Class, do you have any idea what
physical change is? You have the idea! None, Sir. (The students volunteer to do the activity) Changes of
Matter, Sir. Physical change is a change in the form of matter but not in its identity.

4. Another, yes Gener? Very good! How about chemical change? Definitely! Class, I have here a melting
ice and a dissolved sugar in water. What changes are taking place in these two examples? How can you
say that these two examples undergo physical change? Exactly! I also have here another example – a
rusting nail and a spoiling food. What changes do these two examples undergo? Why these two
examples undergo chemical change? Very Good! Now, who can compare physical from chemical
change? Physical Change is a change which occurs in size, shape, color, texture, state, magnetic or
electrical condition but the molecular composition remains totally unaltered. Chemical change is a
change in which one kind of matter is changed into a different type of matter. Physical change is taking
place in those examples, Sir. The two examples undergo physical change due to that it remains the same
and there is no new product that is being formed. The two examples undergo chemical change, Sir.
Those two examples undergo chemical change because there is a change in its chemical properties, Sir.
Physical change is a change in an object’s physical properties such as

5. Absolutely! Is there any question regarding our topic for this afternoon? 2. Activity Proper Class, we
will have an activity in relation to our topic for this afternoon. I will divide the class into two groups.
Those who are sitting on the left side will be the group 1 and those on the right side will be the group 2.
You select a leader, a secretary and reporter. Your group leader will get your materials in for the activity.
Afterwards, discuss your work to the class. (Activity sheets are attached at the back) 3. Post Activity
(Students discuss their work on the board) IV. GENERALIZATION Based on the activity that you had
performed, who can now discuss the difference between physical and chemical change? size, shape,
color, texture, state, etc. while Chemical change is a change in which a new product is formed. None, Sir.
Physical change is a change in an object’s physical properties such as size, shape, color, texture, state,
magnetic or electrical condition but the molecular composition remains totally unaltered. Some
examples of physical change are breaking of a glass, separating sand from gravel, and cutting woods. On
the other hand, chemical change is a change during which the molecular

6. Who among you here can give other examples of physical and chemical changes of matter that are
happening in your community? Therefore, how important is these physical and chemical changes of
matter into our community? V. EVALUATION: ½ Crosswise Direction: Do what is indicated. 1. What is a
physical change? Give at least 5 examples. 2. What is a chemical change? Give at least 5 examples. 3.
Differentiate chemical from physical change. composition gets totally altered, that is change in which a
new product is always formed. Some examples of chemical change are digesting foods, frying an egg,
and burning of leaves. There are some of the physical and chemical changes in our environment. These
are as follows: a rusting bicycle, bleaching your hair, hammering wood together to build a house,
combustion of fuel, heating of zinc oxide and freezing of water. These are really important due to that
we apply these physical and chemical changes in our daily living.

7. VI. ASSIGNMENT: ½ Crosswise Research on the phase changes of matter and differentiate one from
the other. Reference: Amelia, Rina C. Science and Technology III, p.96-98


9. ACTIVITY SHEET Objectives: To distinguish physical from chemical change Materials: 2 pentel pen
Manila paper 2 envelope Group 1 Procedure: 1. Identify changes of matter as either physical or chemical
change. 2. Write a happy face ( ) if it is a physical change and a sad face if it is a chemical change. Put
your answers on the blank space provided before the number. 3. Count the happy and sad faces then
discuss why it is a physical or a chemical change. ____1. Fireworks exploding ____ 2. Pouring milk on
your oatmeal ____ 3. Whipping a cream ____ 4. Melting ice cream ____ 5. Freezing chocolate covered
bananas ____ 6. Bleaching your hair ____ 7. Corroding a metal ____8. Separating sand from gravel ____
9. Melting butter for pop corn ____ 10. Burning toast Group 2 Procedure: 1. Identify changes of matter
as either physical or chemical change. 2. Write a happy face ( ) if it is a physical change and a sad face if
it is a chemical change. Put your answers on the blank space provided before the number. 3. Count the
happy and sad faces then discuss why it is a physical or a chemical change. ____ 1. Breaking a glass ____
2. Making salt water to gargle with ____ 3. Digesting food ____ 4. Setting your shoe on fire ____ 5.
Burning of magnesium metal ____ 6. Boiling of water ____ 7. Heating of Camphor ____ 8. Cutting of
wood ____ 9. Heating of Ammonium chloride ____ 10. Dissolution of sulfur in carbon disulphide

The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is NaHCO

3C5-H9-N-O4.NaGrade Levels:

Powered by iRubric Group Activity Rubric

(N/A) B

(N/A) C

(N/A) D

(N/A) E


Following Directions

Student followed all directions and received the desired outcome

Student followed most directions and received accurate results on most of the activities.

Student followed directions somewhat and received accurate results on some of the activities.

Student followed few directions and received few accurate results on some of the activities.

Student did not follow directions at all and therefore did not receive the desired outcome.


Student participated in the activity the entire time and gave 100% effort.

Student largely participation in the activity, but did get distracted on occasion.

Student minimal participation in the activity, but did not produce as much effort as they could.

Student participated in the activity from time to time, but did not produce much effort.

Student did not participate in the activity at all.


Student uses time well during class period to complete the assigned activity .

Student mostly uses time well throughout the class period and completes most or all of the activity.

Student usually uses time well throughout the class period and completes most or all of the activity.

Student does not use time well throughout the class period and therefore does not complete assigned

Student often does not use time well throughout the class period and therefore does not complete
assigned activity.

Student Behavior

Student behaved properly during the activity.

Student had to be corrected once about talking too loud, or any other inappropriate behavior.

Student had to be corrected a few times about talking too loud, or any other inappropriate behavior.

Student had to be corrected more than once about talking too loud, out of lab area, or any other
inappropriate behavior.

Student had to be corrected constantly about talking too loud, or any other inappropriate behavior.

Respect Peers

Demonstrates respect for fellow students and works willingly with all members of the group.

Shows disrespect to one or more students at least once during the activity. Does not work with all
members of the group for part of the activity.

Shows disrespect to three or more students at least once during the activity. Does not work with all
members of the group for part of the activity.

Shows disrespect to most students more than once during the activity. Does not work with all members
of the group during entire activity.

Shows disrespect to all students more than once during the activity. Does not work with all members of
the group during entire activity.
Handling of Equipment

Student uses equipment properly during the activity.

Student handles equipment improperly at least once during class period.

Student handles equipment improperly at least twice during class period.

Student handles equipment improperly more than once during class period.

Student handles equipment improperly continuously during class period.


Student cleans work area and returns materials to the designated area when finished.

Student mostly attempts to clean work area and returns most materials to the designated area when

Student partly attempts to clean work area and returns some materials to the designated area when

Student barely attempts to clean work area and returns few materials to the designated area when

Student does not clean work area or return materials to the designated area at all.

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