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Programma di lingua inglese

Classe V sez. A , anno scolastico 2022/2023


Titolo: ICT Information Communication Technology

Autori: A.Rebecchi,E.Cavalli,Technology
Casa Editrice:Trinity Whitebridge;

Titolo: PERFORMER B1 with PET Tutor, multimediale (two).

Autori: Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella e Margaret Layton
Casa Editrice: Zanichelli

Unit 5 : Feeling Grammar : Vocabulary : Communication

and emotions present perfect feelings and : talking about
continuous emotion feeling
Present perfect
continuous vs
present perfect
simple Question

UNIT 6: Crime Grammar: Past Vocabulary : Communication:

doesn’t pay perfect; Past Crime and Arguing
perfect vs past criminals
simple; Third
disapproval and
regret in the past

Unit 7: Films Grammar : Past Vocabulary : film Communication

and the cinema perfect; Past genres, the world : giving your
able to , perfect vs past of films opinion about a
managed to , simple ; Ability in film
succeeded in the past : could ,
was – were –
Unit 8: Art and Grammar: Vocabulary: Communication:
appearance In an art gallery.
The passive (1), The world of art,
Present simple Physical
and past simple, appearance.
pronouns, Have
something done.


 What is an Operating System?

 A bit of History
 Operating System for Personal Computers
 Application Software
 Word Processors and Spreadsheets
 Presentation Software

 Algorithms and programming languages

 How the Internet developed
 The World Wide Web
 The difference between the Web and the Net
 Databases
 Relational Models
 Database Management Systems(DBMSs)
 SQL Language
 Jobs in ICT( Information and Communications Technology)
 Software and Web Developer

La docente

Iannaccone Elvira

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