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Topic: Studying overseas has several disadvantages.

Studying overseas creates some advantages but there are also some disadvantages.
Firstly, we can not discuss its disadvantages without mentioning the high cost.
Tuition fees are often higher for student abroad. They also have to pay the
traveling cost. The longer the distance is, the higher the cost is. Secondly, studying
overseas is a great chance to know more about new culture, a language, etc. but it
is also a problem for students who start to land in a whole new country. They have
not known about their culture yet so you may be confused. Language barrier is one
of a kind of culture shock. Maybe what they learnt is really different from the
reality, so they get trouble with communicating. Last but not least, studying abroad
means that you have to come to another country alone and study in a new
environment. They may miss your home, your parents and your friends. This
sometimes makes they feel lost and out of place, then they don’t want to do
anything. It may lead to depression. All in all, there are some disadvantages of
studying overseas but the important thing is keep going and think about the reason
why they chose to study abroad.

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