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Caquilala, Jen S.

Math may be a subject that is hard for a lot because they are not able to relate it to
our everyday lives, they cannot seem to apply it in real-life scenarios. This is because math
has always been taught using numbers and letters without practical examples. Students
would find it hard to apply in their life formulas that have been taught in school.

Teaching math in a way that students are able to see its relevance in real-life makes
it easier to understand. Giving examples like adding apples, cutting pizzas, and the like
would allow students to see that math is used in our life daily. We use math unknowingly.
By doing this, we can bring math closer to our students and make them realize that it isn’t
hard at all.

As a teacher, we can learn from the video that it is not always enough that we give
our students information and let them process and apply it themselves. It is equally
important that we can give them scenarios that happen in one’s daily life so that they can
easily grasp the idea and concept of what we are teaching.

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