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Report on my six months in a new job

The purpose of this report is to inform my feelings about the accomplishment of the job after six
months, I the hardships I encountered during the internship and the advice for coming training.
My improvement
My first days were exhausting possibly because I did not have any work experience in this field and it is
quite demanding for me. I find it extremely hard to deal with that job, but the other workers are friendly
and helped me to be used to the position. After a month, I become familiar with the employees as well
as the work since they explained how to use some equipment in that area. After finishing this job, I felt a
sense of achievement which made me more competitive and adventurous.
Within three months, I faced a multitude of difficulties. I am an introverted person so I lack of
communication skills. The major thing about my job is to communicate with people. For instance, I have
to answer the phone, reply the email and treat friendly to customers. Therefore, I have to learn a lot and
even take suggestions from my seniors to improve my skills including problem-solving skills. decided to
slave away how to be professional in this field and I got some great results as a result.
All in all, I would recommend providing a more effective course for the next people. Not only they
should make some practical experience rather than the lessons, but also they should make a
communication centre or courses to deal with the problems.

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