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Rhythmic Gymnastics

My favorite sport is rhythmic

gymnastics. It is a sport in which
individuals or groups of five or more
manipulate one or two pieces of
apparatus: rope, hoop, ball, clubs,
ribbon and freehand.
I don’t do rhythmic gymnastics but I like it because it’s very
beautiful, refined and fascinating sport. Rhythmic gymnastics is a
sport that combines elements of ballet, gymnastics, dance and
apparatus manipulation.
I consider Anna Bessonova to be one of the best rhythmic
gymnasts in the world. She is a two-time Olympic bronze
medalist, a five-time medalist in the all-around of the World
Championships and a four-time medalist in the all-around
competition of the European Championships.
The first World Championships in rhythmic gymnastics were
held in Budapest in 1963. The competition was dominated by
Soviet Lyudmila Savinkova. Only girls do rhythmic gymnastics. A
lot of gymnastics moves are named after the gymnasts who first
performed them.
The hand-eye coordination, dexterity, flexibility and strength
are the primary physical abilities that rhythmic gymnasts should

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