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De Broglie Hypothesis

Topics we are going
to cover today:

● De-Broglie’s
● Heisenberg’s
Uncertainty principle

De Broglie’s Hypotheis
❏ It explains the dual nature of matter.
❏ Acc to this hypothesis, matter can also behave as a wave.
❏ The wave nature of matter was experimentally proven by Davisson-
Germer experiment.

Pattern similar
to light

e- beam


De Broglie’s Hypotheis
❏ De Broglie associated momentum of the moving particle with the
wavelength of associated wave.

❏ This concept is valid to microscopic particles only.

❏ K.E for a moving particle = 1/2 mv2 = p2 / 2m = p = √(2m K.E)

De Broglie’s Hypotheis
❏ If a charged particle is accelerated from rest by applying voltage ‘V’
q K.E

Change in K.E = work done by applied voltage

K.E = q x V

❏ For electron, m = 9.1 x 10-31 kg, q = 1.6 x 10-19 C

If K.E of a proton is increased 9 times the wavelength of
the de-Broglie wave associated with it would become

A. 3 times

B. 9 times

C. 1/3 times

D. 1/9 times

Association of De-broglie concept with Bohr Model

❏ For an electron revolving around the nucleus

❏ According to De Broglie, λ = h/mv

2πr = nλ

Hence wave nature of an electron revolving around nucelus will be dominating.

❏ No. of waves made by an electron = n

In H-atom, if x is the radius of the first Bohr’s orbit, de
Broglie's wavelength of an electron in 3rd orbit is:

In H-atom, if x is the radius of the first Bohr;d orbit, de
Broglie's wavelength of an electron in 3rd orbit is:

2πr3 = nλ
2π(9x) = 3λ
λ = 6πx

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
❏ According to this principle, the momentum and position of a moving
electron can’t be determined simultaneously with 100% accuracy.

❏ If we try to to measure momentum accurately , error will occur in

position and vice versa.

A particle with mass 10-10 g, if the velocity of particle is
10-6 cm s-1 with 0.0001 % uncertainty. Calculate Δx.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

❏ According to Heisenberg, we can only define the probability

of finding an electron around the nucleus.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Relation between Δx and Δλ

An electron is accelerated from rest by applying a
voltage of 6V. If Δx = (7/22) nm then Δλ ?

An electron is accelerated from rest by applying a
voltage of 6V. If Δx = (7/22) nm then Δλ ?

If the error in velocity and position are same, what is
error in De Broglie’s wavelength ?

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