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Q1. Define: -

a) Prokaryotic cells
Cells which do not have a well-defined nuclear membrane and the nuclear material
lies freely in the cytoplasm of the cell.
For example: bacteria, blue green algae.
b) Eukaryotic cells
Cells having nucleus with well-defined nuclear membrane and double- membraned
cell organelles.
For example: plant and animal cells

c) Cytoplasm- Transparent jelly-like substance present in a cell in which all the

organelles are present.

Q2.Difference between Plant and Animal cell

Plant Cell Animal Cell

1. Plant cells have a cell wall surrounding the 1. Animal cells only have a cell
cell membrane membrane.
2. Plant cells contain chloroplasts which are
2. Absent in animal cell.
used for photosynthesis.
3.Vacuoles are either absent, or
3. Plant cells have one or two large vacuoles. they are very small.

4. It does not have a centrosome. 4.It has a centrosome.

Q3.Answer the following questions:-

a) Write the functions of various organelles present in the cell.
Ans. Function of Ribosomes
Ribosomes: It is helpful in protein synthesis.
Functions of Mitochondria
In mitochondria breakdown of food occurs and produces energy in chemical form
and that is ATP (Adenosine triphosphate).
Functions of vacuole
It provides turgidity and rigidity.
They are helpful in storing substances.
Functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum
It helps to transport substances within the cell.
Functions of Golgi bodies
They secrete, package, and dispatch the cellular secretions.
They are helpful in the formation of cell membranes.
Functions of lysosomes
They destroy foreign materials.
They remove the components which are worn out.
They act as suicidal bags as they can even eat up their own cell if it gets damaged.
Functions of Nucleus
It regulates cell division.
It controls metabolic activities.
It contains genes, which are helpful in transmission of characters from parents to
Functions of Chromosomes
Chromosomes: These contain genes. All the hereditary information is located in
the genes. Chromosomes control the cell division and cell growth.
Functions of Centrosome:-
It regulates cell division in animal cells.

b) What are genes? How are they important to organisms? What is its

Ans. Thread like structures called chromatin are present inside the nucleus. These
threadlike structures condense to form chromosomes during cell division.
Chromosomes contains DNA. DNA is our hereditary material and segments of
DNA are called genes. Genes contain all the information needed by the cell to
function and to reproduce further cells of next generation. So, genes are
responsible for inheritance of characters. The function of gene is to transfer
hereditary information from parents to their offsprings.
c) What are the different functions performed by cell membrane?

 It separates cells from each other. 

 It keeps the cells separated from surrounding external medium. 

 It gives shape and size to the cell. 

 It allows movement of selected substances inside and outside the cell. 

 It provides support to cell.

Q4. Give reasons: -

a) In general, cell sizes are not related to the size of an organism. However, will
there be a difference in the length of the nerve cells in a rat and a giraffe?

Reason-No there will be no difference in the length of the nerve cells in a rat and a
giraffe. Number of nerve cells in giraffe will be more as compared to rat.

b)Why do plant cells need a cell wall, and animal cells do not?

Reason-Plant cells, unlike animals, do not have skeleton to support them.

Therefore, they need a cell wall, which provides support and protection to them.

c)Why do you think parents and doctors get very worried if a child gets a head or
spinal injury?

Reason-Head or Spinal injury results in destruction of nerve cells. Since, nerve

cells cannot be replaced if they are once destroyed, so doctors and parents get
worried if a child gets a head or spinal injury.
d) Why chloroplasts are found only in plant cells? 
Reason- Chloroplasts are the cell organelles found only in plant cells because they
are concerned with the process of photosynthesis which takes place in the leaves of
green plants.


a) White blood cells (WBC) can squeeze through walls of blood vessels and
get into intercellular spaces to fight against germs. Which property of WBCs
allows them to do this.

Ans: White blood cells like Amoeba can change their shape. This property allows
them to squeeze through the walls of blood vessels and get into intercellular spaces
to fight against germs.


Q1.Draw a well labelled diagram of a plant cell and an animal cell.

Q2. How does a cell show division of labour? Is there any parallelism between
working of the cell and our society?


Our organ systems work together to carry out major functions of our body. In the
same way each of us should perform our work efficiently for smooth working of
our society.

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