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Sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

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What is the sympathetic ANS division often referred to as? the "fight-or-flight" system of the body
Another name for the sympathetic ANS division thora-columbar division
sympathetic preganglionic neurons are located in the gray matter
Where are the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division?
of the spinal cord from T1 through L2
evident when we are exited or find ourselves in emergency/threat-
ening situations
When is the activity of the sympathetic ANS division evident?
also allows us to cope rapidly and vigorously with situations that
threaten homeostasis
What are the 4 "Es" that the sympathetic ANS responds to? exercise, excitement, energy, embarassment
signs include: rapid, deep breathing; cold, sweaty skin; a prickly
Examples of signs of sympathetics ANS activity?
scalp; and dilated eye pupils
typically HR increases, blood pressure and blood glucose levels
What does the sympathetic ANS typically do in situations of great
increase, bronchioles of the lungs dilate all in order to help an
individual cope with a stressor
When does the sympathetic ANS work at full speed?
in response to this stress, the sympathetic ANS will make the
What happens if you have experienced physical stress, such as
adrenal glands pump out EPINEPHRINE and NOREPINEPH-
finishing a marathon or just having finished a surgery?
effects last for a FEW MINUTES until its hormones are destroyed
How long to the effects of the sympathetic ANS last?
by the liver
Although nerve impulses themselves act quickly, how long do the for a significant amount of time; these effects are widespread and
hormonal effects last? prolonged period of time
we need to "come down" bc the effects of the sympathetic ANS
Why do we need to "come down" after a stressful situation? are widespread and prolonged, despite the nerve impulses lasting
for a relatively short period of time
decreases digestive system activity and constricts digestive sys-
Sympathetic effects on the digestive system
tem sphincters (like the anal sphincter)
Sympathetic effects on the liver causes glucose to be released by the liver into the blood
Sympathetic effects on the lungs sympathetic ANS causes bronchioles of the lungs to dilate
on urinary bladder/urethra, sphincters are constricted, which
Sympathetic effects on urinary bladder/urethra
helps prevent voiding
Sympathetic effects on the kidneys on kidneys, sympathetic ANS decreases urine output
Sympathetic effects on the heart increases the rate and force of heartbeat
-constricts blood vessels in viscera and skin
Sympathetic effects on the blood vessels -dilates the blood vessels in skeletal muscle and heart
-increases blood pressure
inhibits the salivary, lacrimal, and gastric glands, causing dry
Sympathetic effects on glands: salivary, lacrimal, gastric
mouth and dry eyes
Sympathetic effects on the iris of the eye stimulates DILATOR muscles, leading the pupils to DILATE
inhibits the ciliary muscles, decreasing bulging of lens and pre-
Sympathetic effects on the ciliary muscle of the eye
pares the eye for DISTANT VISION
stimulates medulla cells to secrete epinephrine and norepineph-
Sympathetic effects on the adrenal medulla
Sympathetic effects on the skin sweat glands stimulates sweat glands, leading to perspiration
Sympathetic effects on the arrector pili muscles attached to hair stimulates the arrector pili muscles attached to hair follicles, pro-
follicles ducing "goose bumps"
Sympathetic effects on the penis causes ejaculation
increases metabolic rate; increases blood sugar levels; stimulates
Sympathetic effects on cellular metabolism
fat breakdown

Sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
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Sympathetic effects on adipose tissue stimulates fat breakdown


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