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Advanced Vocabulary with Native speaker

1. Catch phrase : short phrase, everbody says it a lot (sering diomongin orang : time is

2. Along the same lines : on the same topic, similarly, in the same way (masih di topik yang sama)

3. To thrive : to be happy, successful, to grow, to develope well

4. Grounded (adj.) : well balanced,mentally and emotionally stable

5. (to) look/dress the part: to have appearance that’s appropriate for a specific role or situation

6. Rooted (adj.) : established deeply and firmly (kek gak tergoyahkan)

7. (to) knock down : a hit causing something to fall to the ground

8. Critical : very important

9. Storm : (to) face storms(menghadapai masalah/badai yang ada)

10. to have a sense on oneself : to know who you are, know ourselves well

11. at once : 1. Immediately 2. At the same time; simultaneously (sekaligus)

12. Caregivers : who take care of you

13. to look the other way: to ignore whats happening, to not help, to not take action when
something bad happening.

14. (to) matter : to be important, to have meaning, to have an affect on what happen

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