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Alumno: Grado y Grupo: Fecha

Profesor: Resultado obtenido:

Lugar: Aula Número de Horas Clase: 4 ¿Es parte del Portafolio de Evidencias?: X No X

Objetivo: Expresar oraciones usando futuro “will”

Titulo: You will be rich and happy.

Future Will= On the spot decisions. (Pair work, to be checked in the classroom)

I. - Write a logical on the spot decision according to the situation,

* e.g. It is hot and the window is close. I will open the window.
1. - You are really tired. I will go to bed immediately.
2. – You need a new agenda. _______________________________________________________
3. –Mark is not feeling well. ________________________________________________________
4. - Martin has a headache, _________________________________________________________
5. - There isn’t any milk and you want a milkshake, _____________________________________
6. - it’s cold and the window is open, _________________________________________________
7. - Nancy is thirsty. _______________________________________________________________
8. - Tina has and exam tomorrow. ____________________________________________________
9. - Robert is hungry. ______________________________________________________________
10. - It’s raining and you are going out._______________________________________________
11. - Your son spilled soda on the floor. ______________________________________________
12. - The music it’s too loud. _______________________________________________________
13. - A person was run over by a car._________________________________________________
14. - Your bedroom is a mess. _______________________________________________________
15. - the dog needs a bath.__________________________________________________________

The Weather Forecast for the Weekend

II. – Using future will, choose a city and give the forecast orally.
City Friday Saturday Sunday
Puerto Vallarta Cloudy during the morning Light showers in the morning Thunder storms all day
Heavy rain the rest of the day. Cloudy in the afternoon Cold at night.
Chilly at night. Cold at night
Mexico City Sunny all day Sunny during the morning. Cloudy during the day.
Warm at night Cloudy in the evening. Heavy rain at night
Light showers at night
Guadalajara Cloudy during the morning. Light showers in the morning. Cloudy during the morning.
Heavy rain the rest of the day. Cloudy the rest of the day. Sunny the rest of the day.
Chilly night. Cool at night. Chilly night.
Monterrey Sunny and hot all day Cloudy in the morning. Sunny and hot all day.
Hot at night Light showers in the evening. Hot at night.
Warm and humid at night.

Cancun Light showers in the morning Light showers in the morning. Sunny and hot all day.
Cloudy in the afternoon Partly cloudy during the Warm and humid at night.
Warm and humid at night. afternoon.
Warm and humid at night.
III. - Finish the weather Forecast for Puerto Vallarta, and choose two other cities from the chart and write the weather
report for them. (work in groups, to be checked orally.)
(Termina el reporte del clima para Puerto Vallarta, y escoge otras 2 ciudades de la tabla y escribe el reporte del tiempo
para ellos. Trabajo en grupos para ser revisado oralmente)

Puerto Vallarta:
e.g. On Friday Puerto Vallarta will be cloudy during the morning; there will be heavy rain the rest of the day. It will be
chilly at night.

On Saturday..

On Sunday….


On Friday..

On Saturday..

On Sunday….


On Friday..

On Saturday..

On Sunday….

IV.-Write sentences about what Erick and his friends will do at Cancun during the weekend.
(Individual work, it can be checked as a class or checked by the teacher outside the class)
*Escribe oraciones acerca de lo que Erick y sus amigos harán en Cancún durante el fin de semana, (trabajo individual,
puede ser revisado en clase o por el maestro fuera de clase)

Activity Erick Stella Steven Martha

Go dancing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Go scuba diving No No No No
Take the sun No Yes Yes Yes
Drink margaritas Yes No No Yes
Play on the beach Yes No No No
Eat seafood Yes Yes Yes Yes
Swim in the ocean No No No Yes
Build sandcastles Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fish Yes Yes No No
Take a tour in a boat No Yes Yes No

e.g. Erick will go dancing. e.g. Erick won’t go scuba diving.

V. Use will-future or going to-future.

1) Philipp_____________________________ 15 next Wednesday. (be)

2) They _____________________________a new computer. (get)

3) I think, my mother _____________________________ this CD. (like)

4) Paul's sister _____________________________a baby. (have)

5) They _____________________________ at about 4 in the afternoon. (arrive)

6) Just a moment. I_____________________________ you with the bags. (help)

7) In 2020 people _____________________________more hybrid cars. (buy)

8) Marvin _____________________________a party next week. (throw)

9) We _____________________________ to Venice in June. (fly)

10) Look at the clouds! It_____________________________ soon. (rain)

VI. Read the weather forecast and do the quiz below.

The Oregon Weather Forecast

Good afternoon and welcome to the weather forecast. Let's take a look at the weather outside now. What's it like? Well,
it's currently raining and cloudy in southern Oregon while northern Oregon is cold and clear. The sun is shining, but it's
rather cold up here in the North! The temperature is currently 45 degrees in the southern Oregon and only 30 degrees in
the North.

Shall we see what the weather will be like tomorrow? Well, it will be rainy in the morning in southern Oregon and windy in
northern Oregon. In the afternoon, The South will see cloudy weather with some rain later in the day. Northern Oregon will
also see rain turning to snow and quite windy, with winds coming from the North-East.

That's the weather forecast for this afternoon. Have a good day!

1. What time of day is it? A) morning B) afternoon C) evening

2. What's the weather like in southern Oregon at the moment? A) rainy and cloudy B) sunny and windy C) sunny and cold

3. What's the weather like in northern Oregon at the moment? A) rainy and cloudy B) sunny and windy C) sunny and cold

4. What is the temperature in southern Oregon at the moment? A) 30 degrees B) 45 degrees C)13 degrees

5. What is the temperature in northern Oregon at the moment? A) 30 degrees B) 45 degrees C) 13 degrees

6. What will the weather be like in southern Oregon tomorrow morning? A) rainy B) sunny C) windy

7. What will the weather be like in northern Oregon tomorrow morning? A) snowy B) sunny C) windy

8. What will it do later in the day in southern Oregon? A) rain B) snow C) be clear

9. Where will it be windy tomorrow? A) Southern Oregon B) northern Oregon C) Seattle

10. What direction will the wind come from? A) North-East B) North-West C) South-East

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