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1. An instrument Noun Phrase

2. Sharing the skills Gerund Phrase

3. An end Noun Phrase

4. by five students Prepositional Phrase

5. to show Infinitive Phrase

6. Were introduced Verb Phrase

7. Was conducted Verb Phrase

8. of booths Prepositional Phrase

9. Were keen Verb Phrase

10. A doxology Noun Phrase

11. Bearing the values Gerund Phrase

12. To showcase Infinitive Phrase

13. Was performed Verb Phrase

14. Were learned Verb Phrase

15. to practice Infinitive Phrase

16. Off its four days Prepositional Phrase

17. Finally Adverb Phrase

18. to keep Infinitive Phrase

19. Successively Adverb Phrase

20. for closing remarks Prepositional Phrase

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