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Christine M.

de Vera
BS Architecture 4-1
True Beauty

Answer the following questions:

1. How beauty defines in this movie?
I believe that this film contests the idea that beauty is based by outward appearances and
contends that it is influenced by a person's character and inner attributes. It emphasizes the idea
that true beauty does not just depend on outward appearances but also comes from inside.
2. In this movie, how beauty and self-esteem affects oneself (Woo-Jin)?
Woo-Jin, the protagonist of the movie, struggles with his sense of self-worth as a result of
societal pressure to live up to beauty ideals. As a result, his self-esteem is impacted, as well as
his confidence.
3. What do you think is the dilemma in this movie?
Woo-jin, the lead character of this movie must deal with the problem of waking up in a different
body each day. And because of this, he has trouble sustaining relationships and finding love
since he must continually get used to changing his physical look. The film explores issues
including identity, self-acceptance, and the difficulties of forming relationships with others despite
physical disparities.
4. What do you think will be our society if we look on the soul and not on physical
appearance only?
Our society may become more welcoming and inclusive if we shifted our attention away from
outward looks and toward the spirit. People would be valued for their inner virtues such as
compassion, intellect, and empathy rather than their outside characteristics such as appearance
or physical prowess. Additionally, since people would no longer feel under pressure to meet
social beauty standards, it might improve self-worth and self-acceptance. In the long run, this
adjustment could promote a more cordial and just society.
5. Based on the title "Beauty Inside" is it really true that the real beauty lies on the soul ?
Based on what I’ve stated in the question number one, I believe that real beauty lies on the soul. Since it
emphasizes the idea that true beauty does not just depend on outward appearances but also
comes from inside.

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