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Asjd Ahmed 2022005657 6 December 2023

Assignment 4 PSYC 100


1. What concepts/theories in psychology were tackled in the film? Enumerate

at least 3 or 5 concepts and explain how it was discussed in the film.

2. What have you learned from the film that you can apply in your life or
that makes you discover more about yourself?
# Question 1

When I delved into the psychological aspects of 'Split,' several concepts and
theories stood out that made me think deeply about the complexities of the
human mind. One key theme is dissociative identity disorder (DID), which is
prominently featured throughout the film. The portrayal of Kevin with 23
different personalities gives a dramatic depiction of how trauma can influence
the development of distinct identity states. It prompted me to explore the real-
life implications of DID and sparked a curiosity about the psychological
mechanisms underlying such a condition.
Another fascinating concept is the exploration of coping mechanisms. The film
vividly illustrates how Kevin's various personalities serve as coping strategies in
response to his traumatic experiences. This brought attention to the diverse
ways individuals cope with stress and adversity. It led me to reflect on my own
coping mechanisms and consider how these strategies might be shaped by my
own life experiences.
The idea of the psychological core is also evident in the film, especially through
the lens of self-concept. Kevin's awareness of his different personalities
contributes to a nuanced understanding of his self-concept. This concept
prompted me to think about the components that make up my own psychological
core and how self-perception can be influenced by internal and external factors.
Furthermore, 'Split' touches on the moral and ethical dimensions of portraying
mental health conditions in popular media. It made me consider the
responsibility of filmmakers in representing psychological disorders accurately
and avoiding the perpetuation of stereotypes. This awareness heightened my
critical thinking about the media's impact on societal perceptions of mental
Lastly, the film introduces the dynamic nature of personality, showcasing how
Kevin's various personas interact with each other. This aligns with the broader
psychological concept of personality dynamics and how different aspects of one's
identity can come to the forefront in response to different situations. It
encouraged me to explore the fluidity of personality and how external factors can
influence its expression."
# Question 2

When I watched 'Split,' I found the exploration of coping mechanisms to be

particularly thought-provoking. The main character, Kevin, showcases a range of
coping mechanisms through his various personalities, each emerging as a
response to his traumatic past. It got me thinking about my own life and the
ways I cope with stress and challenges.
For example, just like Kevin develops different personas to deal with his
experiences, I reflected on whether I have certain patterns or habits that kick in
during tough times. It made me consider whether these coping mechanisms are
adaptive or if there might be healthier alternatives. Watching the film prompted
me to be more aware of my own responses to stress and to assess whether I
could benefit from exploring new, more constructive coping strategies.
Additionally, the movie raised questions about the origin of these coping
mechanisms. Are they rooted in past experiences, similar to Kevin's different
personalities emerging from trauma? Exploring this aspect helped me understand
that our coping mechanisms often have deep roots, and acknowledging their
origins can be a crucial step in personal growth.
The film served as a catalyst for self-reflection, pushing me to examine the
effectiveness of my coping mechanisms and motivating me to seek healthier
alternatives where necessary. It's a continuous process, but 'Split' sparked a
valuable journey of self-awareness and prompted me to consider the impact of
my past on my present coping strategies. And finally it raised my empathy for
those who experience similar conditions. And it made me realize that bipolar is
no joke and people don’t pretend to be multiple personalities.

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