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Introduction of alkali metals
➢ General characteristics
➢ Physical and chemical properties
➢ Extraction of sodium by down’s process
➢ Physical and chemical properties
➢ Uses
❑ Except hydrogen, elements of Group IA (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr) of modern
periodic table are called alkali metals as strong alkali is formed during
reaction with water.
❑ Eg., 2Na + H20 2NaOH + H2
❑ Fr is rare elements and radioactive (unstable atom which release radiation to
attain stability)

General characteristics of alkali metals
Electronic configuration:
❑ The characteristic feature of the alkali metals is the ns1 arrangement in the
outermost shell
Physical Properties
1. Physical state:
❑ Except lithium all other alkali metals are extremely soft, malleable and
ductile solids
❑ Posses silvery white metallic lustre while freshly cut
2. Melting and boiling point:
❑ have low melting and boiling point due to weak metallic bond on
going down the group
Element Li Na K Rb Cs
Mpt.(°C) 180.5 97.8 63.7 38.98 28.59
Bpt.(°C) 1326 883 756 688 687

3. Density:
❑ Li, Na and K have less density than water (1g/cc), so they floats in
❑ However, Rb and Cs have high density than water

Element Li Na K Rb Cs
density) 0.534 0.972 0.86 1.53 1.903

4. Conductivity:
❑ Alkali metals are good conductors of heat and electricity because
their valence electrons are not strongly bonded to their nuclei and
are mobile
5. Ionization energy:
❑ is the energy needed to remove the electron from neutral atom and produce

Na Na+

❑ possesses low ionization energy on going down the group Cs<Rb<K<Na<Li

Loses outer Cs+


Cesium atom Cesium ion

❑ because their atoms have large size and greater screening (shielding) effects of
inner shells leading to lesser attraction of nuclei to the outermost electrons
❑ The net effect of these two factors is that outermost electron is lost easily
7. Electropositive character:
❑ Alkali metals are have great tendency to lose ns 1 electron due to
their low ionization energy and form univalent positive ions

Na Na+

E.C. 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s1 E.C. 1s2,2s2,2p6

❑ Thus, they are strongly electropositive or metallic in nature and

act as strong reducing agent
2Na + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2

8.Oxidation state:
❑ Alkali metal atoms show +1 oxidation state in their compounds
because by losing one electron from the valence shell, they can
acquire stable noble gas configuration
Na Na+ + 1e-
❑ refers to the ability of atoms to gain electrons
❑ Alkali metals have less tendency to attract shared pair of electrons due
to their large atomic size and less nuclear attraction for the shared pair
of electrons
❑ Thus, they have low values of electro negativities among the elements
in their periods

Element Li Na K Rb Cs
Electronegativity 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7

10. Flame coloration:

❑ Alkali metals impart characteristics color to the flame

Li Crimson
Na Golden yellow
K Pale violet
Rb Reddish violet
Cs Blue violet
Q. Why alkali metals impart characteristics colors to flame?

Ans: The ionization energy of alkali metals is low. The energy of the
flame is sufficient to excite the valence electrons to higher energy levels.
The excited state is unstable. Hence, the electrons emit energy and come
back to original level. This emitted energy falls in the visible region of
the electromagnetic spectrum.
Chemical Properties

1. Reaction with air:

❑ On exposed to dry air, they form metal oxides.
This produce dull oxides on the surface of metal and get tarnished
4Na + O2 2 Na2O
Dry air Sodium oxide
❑ On exposed to moist air, they form hydroxides
4Na + O2 + H2O 4NaOH
Sodium hydroxide
Moist air
Hydroxides exposed to the carbondioxide of air, they form their carbonates
2NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3 + H2O
Sodium carbonate
❑ On heated in air, Li forms the monoxides and other alkali metals form
peroxides. In presence of excess oxygen K, Rb and Cs also form
superoxides 4Li + O 2Li O (lithium monoxide)
2 2
2Na + O2 Na2O2 (sodium peroxide)
2K + O2 K2O2 (potassium peroxide)
K + O2 KO2 (potassium superoxide)
2.Reaction with water
Reacts vigorously with water to form their hydroxides along with liberation of
hydrogen gas. For eg., 2Li + 2H2O 2LiOH+H2 (slowly)
2Na+2H2O 2NaOH +H2 (vigorously)
2K + H2O 2KOH +H2 (with flame)
Rb and Cs reacts explosively
3.Reaction with non metals
Reacts with non metals to give corresponding compounds
For eg., Na +H2 NaH (Sodium hydride)
Na +X2 NaX (X= Cl, Br or I) (sodium halide)
Na + S Na2S(sodium sulfide)
Na + P4 Na3P4 (Sodium phosphide)
4.Reaction with ammonia
All alkali metals dissolve in ammonia to form blue coloured solutions with high
electrical conductivity
For eg., Na + (x + y) NH3 Na+(NH3)x + e-(NH3)y
ammoniated sodium ammoniated electron (blue)
However, when heated to 200-300 °C with ammonia amides are obtained with the
evolution of hydrogen. 200 – 300 °C
2Na + 2NH3 2NaNH2 + H2
❑ Relative abundance: 2.6%
❑ Sodium is extremely reactive metal, so it does not occur free in
❑ Minerals of sodium
❖ Rock salt (NaCl) ore of Sodium
❖ Chile salt petre (NaNO3)
❖ Glauber’s salt (Na2SO4.10H2O)
❖ Borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O)
❖ Albite or soda feldspar (NaAlS3O8)
Metallurgical steps

a) Preliminary treatment b)Reduction c) Refining/purification

i)Crushing and pulverization i) Chemical reduction (Pyrometallury)
ii)Concentration of ore ii) Electrolytic reduction (electrometallugy)
iii) Conversion of ore into iii) Metal displacement (Hydrometallury)
metallic oxides
Q. Why alkali metals cannot be obtained by carbon reduction
method ?
Reason behind not applying Carbon Reduction Process for extraction of alkali
metals (eg., sodium).
❑ Alkali metals (Na) are very strong reducing agent and hence their oxides and
halides cannot be reduced by other elements or compound chemically.
❑ Alkali metals (Na) have greater affinity with oxygen or halogen atom
combined with metals than that of carbon. Hence halides of alkali metals
cannot be easily roasted to obtain their oxides.
❑ High range of temperature is required for the reduction of halide or oxides of
alkali metals with carbon and at high temperature carbon combines with alkali
metals (Na) to give carbide of the metals (Na4C) instead of free metals.

❖ Electrometallugry is the suitable method for extraction of alkali metals

Down’s process (Modern electrolytic Process)
for extraction of Sodium

Sodium is extracted by the electrolysis of fused or molten NaCl by the

process called Down’s process
When electricity is passed through fused sodium chloride into Down’s
cell having cylindrical iron tube as cathode and graphite as anode, the
following reactions takes place:
NaCl ⇌ Na+ + Cl-
At cathode: (reduction takes place)
2Na+ + 2e- 2Na
At anode: (oxidation takes place)
2Cl- 2Cl + 2e-
Cl + Cl Cl2
Net reaction
2NaCl 2Na + Cl2
During the extraction of sodium metal, following difficulties are seen:

❑ Melting point of NaCl is around 800°C but that of sodium metal is

840°C which is near the Mpt point of NaCl

❑ At high temperature, Na metal may vaporise and form a metallic fog

fused with NaCl which may cause short circuit, corrosion of vessel and
also get low yield of Na metal

Hence, to overcome such difficulties, the Down’s cell was brought in

the use. NaCl was mixed with CaCl2 in the ratio of 2:3 by mass and
a little KF which reduces the working temperature to 600°C
Fig: Down’s cell for the extraction of sodium metal
In Down’s process, NaCl and CaCl2 are mixed in the ratio of 2:3 and
melted in down’s cell consisting graphite as anode and cylindrical iron as
cathode at around 600°C

When electricity is passed through the fused electolyte, NaCl ionizes into
Na+ and Cl-

Na+ being positive charge is attracted towards cathode and gains electron
and become neutral sodium atom, which collects in iron recervier as

Cl- being negative charge is attracted towards athode and loses electron
and become neutral chlorine atom, which combines with another neutral
chlorine atom and comes out through wire gauze dome out as Cl2 gas

Obtain both sodium metal as well as chlorine gas

Advantages of Down’s process
i. This method is economical.

ii. Sodium metal obtained by this process is 99.8% pure.

iii. Rock salt or even unrefined common salt can be used.

iv. Chorine is also obtained as valuable by-product.

Q. During electrolysis Calcium is also obtained but it does not mix
with Sodium. Explain.

❑ During electrolysis calcium is also obtained at cathode but sodium and

calcium are separated from each other due difference in density.

❑ Density of Na is 0.67gm/cc and the density of Ca is much higher than that

of Na i.e. 2.54gm/cc. That's why they do not mix with each other.

Q. Why alkali metals are stored in kerosene oil ?

❑ Alkali metals are highly reactive because they have only one
electron in their valence shell which can easily be lost and metal

❑ To prevent it from coming contact with oxygen and moisture, they

are stored in kerosene oil (mixture of hydrocarbon which don’t react
with alkali metals).
Properties of sodium
(A) Physical properties of sodium

i. It is a silvery white soft metal.

ii. It is lighter than water.
iii. It is good conductor of heat and electricity.
iv. Its melting point is 97.5 ℃ and its boiling point is 883 ℃.

(B) Chemical properties of sodium

i. Action with water

Sodium metals react vigorously with water to form sodium hydroxide along with
liberation of hydrogen gas. The reactions are exothermic.

2Na + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2 + heat

i. Action with air
When sodium metal is exposed in air, it becomes tarnish due to the formation of a
layer of carbonate of sodium metal. So, it is stored inside kerosene oil to prevent from

4Na + O2 2Na2O
Na2O + H2O 2 NaOH
2NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3 + H2O

iii. Action with acids

Sodium reacts vigorously with acids and liberates hydrogen gas.
2Na + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2
2Na + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2

iv. Action with non-metals

Sodium metals reacts with non-metals to give corresponding compounds.

2Na + H2 2NaH
2Na + Cl2 2 NaCl
4Na + O2 2 Na2O
4Na + S Na2S
v. Reaction with ammonia
When sodium metals dissolve in ammonia to form blue coloured
solutions with high electrical conductivity.

Na + (x + y) NH3 Na+(NH3)x + e-(NH3)y

ammoniated sodium ammoniated electron
However, when heated to 200-300 ℃ with ammonia amides are obtained
with the evolution of hydrogen.
2Na + 2NH3 2NaNH2 + H2

vi. Reaction with mercury

Sodium reacts with mercury to give sodium amalgam which is used
as a reducing agent in the presence of air
Na + Hg Na.Hg
Sodium amalgam
Uses of alkali metals:
❑ Used as production of compounds like NaCl, Na2O, NaNH2,
NaCN etc.

❑ For the formation of sodium vapour lamp

❑ Used as antiknocking agent in petrol

Pb + 4Na + 4(C2H5)4 (C2H5)4Pb + 4NaCl

❑ Used as heat exchanger in nuclear reactor for the production

of electricity

❑ To detect foreign elements present in organic compounds

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