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Year 11 Mock Examination Report

Term 2, February 2023

Chosen Name: Ayaan KHAN 11I
Legal Name: Ayaan KHAN
Attendance: 99.0%
Tutor: Ms H. GRANGER
Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please find below details of the grades achieved by Ayaan in the recent mock examinations. This
report also includes a target grade for each subject, which is the grade we believe your son should be
aiming to achieve by the end of the course. Both are either IGCSE grades from A*-U or (for Art and
Photography) 9-1.

If N/A is recorded below for a subject, this is because your son is either not entered for this exam or
has already taken the IGCSE. N/A is also entered in cases where students were not present at
the time that the rest of that cohort sat the mock. For Art and Photography students, please note
that this grade is a reflection of their current attainment, and not the final IGCSE grade for the
coursework exam that they have recently sat. Similarly in DT this does not reflect their final
coursework grade.

There are 9 teaching weeks left until Year 11 study leave and the commencement of the real
examinations (Year 11 return for one week of lessons at the start of term 3). It is important that we all
work together with Ayaan to ensure he develops a focused and effective study schedule and that we
support him in these extremely stressful coming weeks.

Please spend some time talking to Ayaan about this report and how he feels about the progress he is
making. Please contact the school if you wish to discuss any matters arising with a subject teacher,
tutor or Head of Year; all staff email addresses can be found on the school website.

Yours sincerely,

Ms Amy Ward
Head Teacher

Subject Teacher Teacher Target Mock Exam Grade

Additional Maths Mr M. DAVISON B C

Business Studies Ms Y. CHEAH A* A

Computer Science Mr J. ABELA A* C

Co-ordinated Science Ms H. GRANGER A*A* AA

English Language Mdm R. LENG B A

English Literature Mdm R. LENG B B


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