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SAHAS Institute :- 11th 12th Comm - F.Y S.Y T.Y B.Com - C.A & C.

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11th - 12th (Eng. Med)

F.Y S.Y. T.Y. - B.COM
C.A & C.S ( All Level )
E-107, Vrundavan Township, Harni Road, Near Sangam, Vadodara. M : 99989 84152, 8238448020
Jashraj Complex , Near Crystal School , Parivar Cross road , Waghodia Road , Vadodra 8238448020

F.Y Sem 2 Functional Management Unit 4

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Topic 1 :- Office Management

Q.1 Explain the meaning & definition of office & office management.
(i) “Formerly (before) an office is a place. where clerical work is performed, and
Where all kind of paper work that is letters of correspondence , files, records etc.
is maintained & record (dealt) with.”
(ii) According to the dictionary meaning, “office is a place where business is carried on”
(a) “An office is a place where business is transacted (or) professional services are available”
[This definition gives weight / Importance on “ paper work “ as the main & only performing function of an office]
(b) According to mills & standing ford “The office is the administrative center of a business.
:- The purpose of an office is to provide a service of communication record.”
(i) Office management is related with the people. Who work in the office.
:- One of the functions of the management is to organize /arrange the office
Put down methods to get things done
So that it may get its objectives / motives .
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(ii) office management is related with the
= Planning = Organizing = Co-ordinating = Directing = Controlling
Q.2 Discuss the importance & purpose of office [ April & Nov. ‘2012 ]
Ans : # Following are the main points which shows the Importance of office
(a) Office co−ordinates all activities of the business
(b)The modern office provide as
[1] Information Provider [2] Coordinator [3] Intermediary
[4] Service Centre [5] Administrative Centre [6] Control Centre
(c) An office is an important part & connected part of every organization
(d) The office act as a store house & main system of every work.
(e) A better managed office helps the management to plan its works cleverly & to put them into action completely.

# MAJOR / MAIN PURPOSE OF OFFICE [ APRIL & NOV ‘2012 ] ( 6 Points )

:- Following are the main purpose / objective of an office .
[1] To plan the policies of the business & give surety about their execution
[2] To direct & co-ordinate = the activities of the Different Department
[3] To handle the Internal communication . M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152
[4] To store all the records of the business . Join Today For Smart Education
[5] To maintain accounts, legal & general books etc. of the business .
[6] Some of the office activities are :- Communication , Copying , Filing , Printing , Typing , Record Retention ,
Record Disposal , Dictating , Processing Incoming & Outgoing Mails

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Q.3 ] Discuss the function of an office

Ans :- There are two types of function of a modern office.
[1] Basic Functions [ Daily function ] and
[2] Administrative Functions [ Administrative Management Function ]
:- The include / involve below function.
(a) Receiving Information. (b) Recording information.
(c) Arranging Information. (d) Giving Information.
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➔ Let us discuss each function in detail.
(a) Receiving Information :
:- One of the valuable function of an office is to receive & collect Information From
- within the organization or from outside the organization.
:- That includes = receiving letters, orders, office memo, reports, telephone, message, Invoices, Inquires, etc.
(b) Recording Information
:- The next function of office is to maintain the records, in such a way that,
the necessary & important information is readily available,
whenever & wherever it is required taken by management (or) employees.
:- Records involve progress report of work, financial & cost accounts works, records of wages, orders & instructions
(c) Arranging Information
:- The information received & recorded by the office, is used by the management in decision making.
:- So, they should be arranged in such a way that, it may be easily available to management at any time.
(d) Giving Information
:- Whenever the information is required by management, office has to supply the information to Mgt
:- For e.g. Information about how many orders have been received & executed.
What is the position of purchase (or) sales, progress reports etc.


➔ They include below functions
(a) Management Function
:- This Function Involves
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, directing, communicating, co-ordinating, Motivating & Controlling.
(b) Public Relation Function
:- An office has to maintain good relations with other departments of the organization as well as with outsiders.
:- Good public relation increases the goodwill & reputation /image of the organization.
(c) Instituting office system & daily work
:- One of the function of office is to develop office systems & process
to give surety about the smooth flow of office work.
(d) Maintenance of Records
:- One of the important function of office is to maintain & retain records for future use / utility.
(e) To Protect Assets
:- This is one of the functions of office is to protect the assets of the organization.
# This involves the following.
(i) To keep main contracts & cash in safe level/area/custody
(ii) To maintain better stock records.
(iii) To protect the assets against fire (or) theft by insurance policies.
(f) Structure Designing & Control
:- This is the one of the important function of office is to create structure.
:- structure are used to store & transfer information. M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152
:- Office forms / structure provide as a store house of information.
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(g) Stationery & Supplies Control
:- It is the duty of the office to maintain & retain proper supply of stationery items.

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# This function involves following.

(i) To maintain reasonable stock of stationary & (ii) To make stock available to staff .
(iii) To give / Issue stationary only against official request notes &
(iv) To protect stationary against damage (or) loss.
(h) Selection & Purchase of Office Equipments
:- Office work requires proper tools & machines.
That is furniture, fixtures ,telephone ,intercom , systems ,filing cabinet & drawers , computers etc..
:- It is the duty of office manager to purchase right type of machines , tools & furniture &
also maintain these in proper working leave / order.
(i) Employee Related Function
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:- It is the duty of office manager to make provision of proper & trained staff
to give surety about the systematic, best performance of office work. Join Today For Smart Education
(j) Restricting & Controlling Office Costs
:- This is the last but very much important function of office is to control & reduce the office cost.
➔ This can be done by –
(i) Mechanization [Automatic System] of the office, (ii) Use of time & labour saving tools in the office,
(iii) Analysis of the present office routine & (iv) Make proper & necessary changes in this system.
Q.4 Write a short note on Office System :- ( Very Less Imp = Just Refer )
Ans :- In management = a system is related as a planned way to the activities which are require
for the getting pre-decided purposes /objectives.
:- For example : A system of permitting credit risk in a business organization.
:- The general objective is to reject the credit buyers, who are not able to pay & to select who would pay.
For this objective an order of activities are decided.
That is work is moving on is specially designed form,
:- applicant is interviewed, his references are checked/examined & then it is decided whether to grant credit &
If yes , then how much & then to take suggestions from the applicant.
:- The complete order of steps are called a system.
Q.5 Give the meaning of office Automation & explain the advantages of office Automation.
:- Office Automation system collects, processes, stores & transfer data & information
in the type/form of electronic office communication.
:- For e.g. word processing, electronic mail, telecommunication & document image processing.
 Advantages / benefits / Merits / Do’s of office Automation :- ( 8 Points )
1] It reduces the task of clerical work. 2] It reduces man power requirement.
3] It saves the time & efforts of employees. 4] It reduces the cost of data maintenance.
5] It Increases the speed of storage data. 6] It reduce the storage space of data.
7] Information easily transferred, easily from one employee to another.
8] At one time more than one employees can see the information & use its for specific objective.

Topic 2 :- Filing System :-

Q.1 ] Define filing. Discuss the main/essential elements of a good filing system
:- According to Leafing well
“Filing is the Process of so arranging & storing records,
so, that they can be readily located, when required”
➔ Following are the main essentials of a good filing system.
1] Simplicity / Simple to Understand :
:- The filing system should be simple/easy to understand & easy to run.

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:-It should be easily understandable by any person,

without any special efforts/training (or) without any kind of knowledge of filing system.
2] Economy
:- The filing system should be cheap /economical.
:- It should not involve large number of clerks.
:- Moreover, the filing tools/equipments should not be too costly.
3] Safety
:- The papers & files should be safely store for a long period of time.
:- Papers & files should not be damaged by insects, fire, dust, mice, theft etc.
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4] Rapidity of filing
:- The filing system should be such that it does not require more/much time to file the letters.
:- This is possible, only when the filing system is simple.
5] Easy finding M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152

:- The filing system should be such that any file (or) letter (or) document Join Today For Smart Education
can be easily got without any loss of time.
6] Properness/suitability
:- The filing system should be suitable /fit to the organization.
7] Classification
:- The filing system should be backed up/supported by proper system of classification.
:- There are lots of methods of classification like
alphabetical, numerical, alphanumerical, geographical & subject wise classification.
8] Indexing
:- If alphabetical classification, is not accepted, office should maintain an index of files.
:- Indexing helps to locate the files easily.
9] Movement Guide
:- When any file is removed from filing department,
a guide should be inserted/included giving information about,
(a) the letters (or) the file removed, (b) to whom it was sent &
(c) the signature of the person to whom it was delivered
10] Cross References
:- A good & better filing system should give the facility of cross reference.
11] Retention / Maintenance
:- There should be some perfect & specific record retention policy.
:- Only current/live records should be kept in the filing cabinet.
12] Flexibility / Changingness
:- The filing system should be flexible.
:- It should be possible to increase () (or) Decrease () its capacity/capabilities as per the needs of organization.
Q.2 Discuss the Objectives / Advantages / Importance of Filing [ April-2013, Dec-2013 ] ( 8 Points )
Ans :- Following are the major/main advantages/importance of an effective & efficient system to the organization.
1] Ready / Easy Reference
:- Files are the storing house/place of information.
:- This give surety about easy & fast reference to the past & present activities of the business
2] Documentary Proof / Evidence
:- Records considers/provides as documentary proof in case of conflicts.
:- The copies of original letter filed, may be created/produced to settle/balance off the claims with different parties.
3] Law Related Requirements
:- Records are kept according to the requirements of different laws like …
Factories Act, Income Tax Act, Companies Act etc. M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152
4] Measurement of Progress
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:- Because of proper & perfect filing, it becomes really helpful & possible
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to compare the present year’s. Performance with the past years performance.
:- So, it becomes really possible to measure the effectiveness & efficiency of the business organization
& its different departments.
5] Safety/Protection of Records
:- Filing gives surety about safety of office records against probable damages,
arise by/caused by the theft, fire, dirt, dust etc. M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152

6] Fast tackling of correspondence Join Today For Smart Education

:- Filing satisfy to tackle the correspondence without any kind of delay.
:- It Increases the prestige/reputation of the business organization & helps in protecting/securing orders.
7] Increased efficiency
:- Filing makes available to the management the necessary information with speed & Accuracy
Which is really helpful & useful for quick/fast decision making.
8] Helps in policy making & decision making
:- Filing helps office management in better planning & control of business activity,
by giving timely & up to date (latest) information.
Q.3 What are the types of filing? Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of different types of filing.
Ans : There are two ways of organizing filing system.
(1) Centralized filing & (2) Decentralized filing.


:- In case of centralized filing system,
the files of the departments of the organization are kept in a separate room (or) centralized office.
:- In this system, when any department needs any file, it has to contact the centralized filing office.
# Advantages / Merits / benefit of Centralized filing office ( 7 Points )
1] It can remove duplication of work & duplication of filing equipment / tools like cabinets etc.
2] There Must be maximum usage of space.
3] It is really very easy to find out any files.
4] Cross checking becomes easy.
5] This system gives surety about an effective & proper control over files.
6] Service of trained & intelligent Filing staff is available.
7] It is possible to use uniform methods & equipments/tools of filing.
# Disadvantage / Demerits / don’ts of Centralized Filing System
1] This system affect the secrecy of hidden/confidential matters.
2] Different department have different needs. Smart Mobile Education
Sometime, it is require to store information in different forms/types,
like as by the name of the customers, (or) by location etc.
3] If different departments are located Faraway form the central filing room,
then it may take more time, to get the proper & required file.
4] By using this system, an organization may cause delay & inconvenience


:- In this system, the files of each department are kept & maintained by the department itself.
:- Therefore, they are easily & properly available to the departmental managers without any delay & loss of time.
:- In this system, every department has its own filing equipment/tools & its own staff to run the system.
# Advantage / Merits / benefits of departmental filing system ( 4 Points )
1] It is really & likely possible to maintain secrecy of hidden matters.
2] It is more helpful & useful to large level organization.
3] This system gives files & papers very easily, when it needed by the organization. M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152
4] Departmental staff have sufficient knowledge of the nature of records.
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so, chances of misplacement & misfiling are minimum/lowest.

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# Disadvantages / demerits of departmental / decentralized filing system ( 4 Points )

1] The organization does not get the advantages of specialized services. which can be given by centralized filing.
2] It moves to duplication of space, tools & supplies. This rises the cost of filing.
3] Departmental filing may create difficulty. when a piece of paper is relevant to more than one dept.
4] Different departments in the organization accept different filing procedures & methods.
Q.4 Difference between Centralized Filing & Decentralized Filing. ( 8 Points )
Points Centralized filing Decentralized filing
1 Office cost Office cost is relatively lower Office cost is relatively higher.
2 Space requirement It required limited space It required larger space
3 Training of Juniors Training of junior is not possibleTraining of junior is possible.
4 Supervision & This system gives surety about This system doesn’t give surety about
control effective supervision & control over
effective supervision & control over
files files.
5 Secrecy In this system it is very difficult to
In this system secrecy can be
maintain secrecy maintained
6 Specialized staff Service of specialized staff is available
Service of specialized staff is not
7 References (easy In this system there may be some what In this system, files are easily & quickly
availability) delay in availability of files available
8 Duplication of It can avoid duplication of records & There is duplication of records &
records & tools equipments equipments
Q.5 Discuss different methods of Filing. [ OR ] Discuss various methods of Filing.
Ans : There are Two Methods of Filing :- [A] Old Method & [B] Modern Method
[A] OLD METHODS ( 7 Points )
# Following are the main old methods of filing.
1] Box Files
:- In this method, cardboard boxes about 3 to 4 inches deep are used for filing papers.
:- They are fitted with spring clips to hold the papers in their proper places.
:- Sometime, papers may be placed manila folders which may be kept in the box file.
2] Metal holders & Guard Books
:- In this method, the papers are held together by metal holders.
:- But, they are both inconvenient & difficult & do not provide any purpose.
:- So, this method is not used by big concerns/firms.
3] Press Copy Book
:- All letters, which are sent out, are copied in a book.
:- The press copy may be divided/parted on alphabetical basis (or) geographical basis.
:- One press copy may be allotted for a few letters of the alphabet. [say, from A to E].
:- This method is useful & helpful for a small firm.
4] Expanding Alphabetical Cases
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:- They are lettered & numbered pockets,
in which letters & other papers can be properly placed alphabetically. Join Today For Smart Education
:- These cases/pockets can be used for keeping papers together such as
share certificates ready for delivery. for temporary purposes.
:- But, for permanent record, this method is not suitable.
5] Spike Files (Or) Pillar & Post Files
:- In this method, a spike (or) a wire is fixed with wooden stands,
which may be kept on the table (or) hung on the wall.
:- The papers are punched & fixed into a metal spike.

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6] Docketing (or) Pigeon-hole

:- Under this system a cup-board is divided into a number, of small compartments &
each compartment is allotted to a letter of the alphabet.
:- This cup-board is open from one side & the compartments are square holes.
:- It is also known as a Nest (or) pigeon hole.
:- Generally, the papers & letters are properly & perfectly folded &
outside the fold short particulars are given.
:- The writing of these particulars are known as docketing.
:- The system is suitable to only small concern.
7] Concerting Filing
:- It gives a series of cardboard pockets.
:- They allow/permit alphabetical classification & it has reading portable.
:- It is useful only for small number of papers, because its capacity is minimum/limited.
:- But it is known as an valuable feature in the development of vertical filing
:- The modern methods of filing can be classified easily, into two main categories/types.
[1] Vertical filing system [2] Horizontal filing system [3] Open shelf filing
:- In this method, the files are placed vertically in a straight standing/upright position.
:- This system possess folders & cabinet.
# Following are some of the methods of vertical filing.
(i) Cabinet (ii) Folders (iii) Filing from side to side [lateral file] (iv) Suspended filing
➔ Let us explain this.
(i) Cabinet
:- A cabinet with wooden (or) steel drawers is used to Retain/preserve the papers.
:- The drawers are deep & the folders are placed vertically in the drawers.
:- Each drawer slides backwards (or) for wards,
so that folder can taken out (or) put back in the drawer.
:- These drawers are fitted with rods. So, sometime it can be easily removed from the rod.
(ii) Folders
:- The folders consist of manila sheets,
:- The back of the folder is slightly higher than the front side of the folders.
:- The Increased / extended back part of the folder is used for writing the details of paper.
:- Folders are kept vertically in sequential order .
(iii) Filing from Side to Side / Lateral File
:- In this system, files are placed vertically in the cup – board with four / five shelves
:- Papers are put in inter – connected folders.
:- The folders are hung on the railing of the shelves,
in the same manner just as clothes are hung in the wardrobes of cabinet .
(iv) Suspended Filing
:- Folders are suspended ( to hang ) vertically from metal rod fitted inside of the drawer
:- papers are filed in folders & folders are placed inside the suspended pockets
:- The top of each folder is made of metal sheet &
front side of the sheet shows the title / heading of the paper.
 Benefits /Advantages / Merits
1] It gives big opportunity for expansion / development .
2] It facilitates ready reference & saves time &efforts.
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3] It is beneficial & economical to use .
4] It gives surety about safety & security .
5] Files are easily examine & can be inserted in referred to (or) withdrawn easily & fastly .
6] It has wide level usage .
7] It is readily acceptable to the changes in classification .
[ it can be used papers & documents such as invoices ,orders, Quotation /tender etc.]

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 Demerits / disadvantages
1] Paper loosely inserted ,in folders may be miss – placed in wrong folders
2] There is a danger of files sagging under other file . M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152
➔ Therefore , they may not be readily & easily available . Join Today For Smart Education
:- Under this method ,the files are placed in the folders &
:- These folders are kept in drawers in horizontal position .
:- The pares are inserted in the order of the date on which they are received.
Thus ,the last papers are on the top.
# Following are some of the important methods of horizontal filing.
(i) Shannon files (ii) Arc lever files (iii) Flat files
➔ Let us discuss each method in detail
(i) Shannon Files
:- Paper are kept in metal drawers, which remain inserted in steel cabinet.
:- Steel cabinet contain 4 to 64 drawers.
:- Drawers can be brought out of cabinet & can be replaced after taking out papers.
:- The drawer can be classified in to alphabetical (or) any other convenient order.
(ii) Arc lever Files
:- These files are made up of very thick card board and
they are fitted with strong metal hinges , operated / worked by a lever,
:- when we want to file any paper, the lever is moved upward to open the metal hinges &
after inserting the paper into the file the lever is passed down.
(iii) Flat Files
:- Flat files are the covers.
:- They are made up of card board (or) thick paper & fitted with metal hinges for holding papers.
:- A file is allotted to each customer &
all the pares relating to the subjects are placed in sequential order. (date wise one by one )
 Advantages / benefits of Horizontal Filing
1] It can keep all paper in proper order
2] Papers can be inserted (or) taken out, without disturbing the order of the papers.
3] It is a Flexible system
4] It gives easy reference as the documents are arranged / placed in a sequential order
5] It is easy to understand & simple to work.
 Demerits / Disadvantages of Horizontal filing
1] It needs relatively more place
2] To take out any paper form a flat file the other papers have to be removed first. Smart Mobile Education
3] It is not suitable where the volume of papers is very large.
4] When there is expansion in the volume of papers, drawers must be reorganized & this is troublesome.
5] Location/place of paper exact proper at short notice is difficult because the files containing papers are placed one
above the other.
:- In this method, files are arranged in open shelves like books are kept in libraries
:- the files are arranged in numerical order & the outer part of the files shows the serial number of the file.
:- This system decreases the cost of tools, but it needs more space.
:- This system allows more clarity, gives properness & helps fast & efficient work.
:- This method is becoming famous, because of space problem.
:- In this method, the record of documents is kept by taking their photographs on very small film.
:- In the film of 30 cubic centimeters, a record of 20 lacks cheques can be kept.
:- The information photographed on a film can be projected on a screen
with the help of a machine called as ‘Readers’ (or) ‘Viewer”.

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Q.6 ] Difference between Horizontal Filing & Vertical filing. ( 8 Points )

Ans :
Points Horizontal Filing Vertical Filing
(1) Cost element Economical, as only file covers are Costly, as it requires folders drawers
necessary guide card, cabinets, cupboards.
(2) Suitability For small office For big offices.
(3) Requirements Large space Limited space
(4) Reference Not easy & fast Easy & fast
(5) Filing equipments (i) Flat files (ii) are lever files (iii) (i) Folders (ii) cabinets’ (iii) lateral file
Shannon files. (iv) Suspended file
(6) Protection of Limited protection Maximum protection because of steel
records cabinets & admirals with locking
(7) Misplacement of No misplacement as papers are Possible as papers are kept in loose
the papers fastened by a clip manner.
(8) Arrangement of In the flat position that is, one upon In the standing (or) upright position.
papers & files each other
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Topic 3 :- Indexing :-
Q.1 Write a short note on Indexing [ April ‘2012, Nov. ‘2012 ]
[ OR ] Define Indexing. What are its objectives (or) purposes ? Discuss the essentials of good indexing.
[A] Indexing may also be used to store main information,
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relating to any subject in a systematic/condensed form/Type.
:- For example: A business house may make an index of its regular customers,
taking their names, addresses, telephone numbers, credit-limit etc.
[B] Index is anything, that which shows / points out.
:- It shows that where the necessary document / proof / information is available / gettable.


:- The word ‘Indexing’ & classification are not the same.
:- ‘Indexing’ means making reference to the records filed.
:- The major/main objective of indexing is to find out the necessary information (or) document.
But, ‘classification’ means grouping & arranging of papers in different files.
[a] To decrease cost [b] To increase efficiency & effectiveness
[c] To find a place for a particular record [d] To give surety about cross-reference.
➔ Let us explain the above objectives of Indexing.
[a] To Decrease / Fall Cost
:- Index decreases the cost of the records management because of better & improved efficiency.
[b] To Increase Efficiency & Effectiveness
:- It increase the general efficiency & effectiveness of office work.
[c] To Find a Place for a Particular Record M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152
:- Index shows (or) find a proper place, Where the documents will be found/available.
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[d] To give Surety about Cross Reference
:- Indexing gives surety about easy & fast cross referencing & thereby saves time & effort.
:- A good system of indexing should have the following qualities.
[1] Economy
:- It should be economical/less expensive in relation of Money, space & efforts.
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[2] Efficiency
:- It should give surety about speed & certain way of locating/finding files.
[3] Flexibility / Dynamism / Changingness
:- A good indexing system should have proper scope/opportunity for expansion,
when the details, documents & records of a firm increases.
[4] Safety
:- Indexing should be capable to remove mis-arrangement of index card & to save it from destruction by
water, fire, rats, insects, dust, etc.
:- Indexing must give surety about the safety of records.
[5] Simplicity
:- Indexing should be simple & very easy to operate .
[6] Cross Referencing
:- Indexing should give surety about cross referencing of records / documents
relevant [ related ] to two (or) more files.
[7] Signaling
:- Indexing should give suitable / proper metallic (or) plastic signals.
:- A signal is a metal chip , plastic tub (or) a thick paper slip, Smart Mobile Education
which is connected to the exposed edge of a card (or) file.
:- Its objective is to draw attention to certain facts recorded on the card .
(a) If the files are arranged numerically, there is no need to prepare separate index
(b) If the files are arranged alphabetically no index is necessary.
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Topic 4 :- Management Information System [ MIS ] :-

Q.1 Define MIS. Discuss the characteristics and functions of MIS [ April & Nov. ‘2012 ]
[a] It is a system of collecting, processing & distributing information to each manager.
[b] MIS is a computer related services, which gives flexible & speedy check for accurate/proper data information.
[c] MIS is a system of collecting, processing, storing, & providing, needed information to managers.
:- According to Jerome Kanter , Following are the main features/characteristics of MIS
[1] Detailed Planning
:- MIS gives detailed planning of different activities like …
= data processing works, = Information presentation,
= Installation of hardware & = software, feedback.
[2] Management Directed
:- MIS is always management directed.
:- It involves Structuring, Executing, & Maintenance of the system.
[3] General Data Flow
:- To remove unnecessary duplication, data are collected/ got only from original sources &
:- it is done only once/onetime.
[4] Easy of Use
:-MIS is dynamic/ever changing. So, that it can balance with the new necessity/requirement.
:- MIS should be very easy to work for its user.
:- It should not require to get necessary computer skill/knowledge.
[5] Connected / Integrated System
:- MIS is the central system of an organization.
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:- It connects different sub-systems of organization by
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[6] Remove unnecessary Duplication in Data Storage

:- MIS removes unnecessary duplication in collecting & storing of data.
[7] Common Data Base
:- MIS has common data base, It involves different Master files of data of different sub-system.
[8] MIS is Management Related
:- MIS should be designed in such a way that,
it can give necessary information to management. M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152

[9] Computerization Join Today For Smart Education

:- MIS should be computerized,
:- It gives different kind of advantages Like …. (a) Speed in creating & examining files.
(b) Certainty & consistency in data processing & (c) Decrease in clerical work & human mistake.
[10] Sub-system Concept
:- MIS is parted into different sub-systems on the basis of different functions of organization.
Q. 2 ] Discuss significance of MIS. [ OR ] Discuss the benefits & limitation of MIS
1] Managers have to perform different functions like …
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, & Controlling
:- To perform these above functions accurately & properly,
a manager has to take specific decision in different level/kind of business situation.
:- For this objective, an organization must have MIS.
2] MIS gives proper & basic information in the right type, to the right person & at right time.
:- These particular information are used by managers in decision making.
3] MIS processes data to produce information, which can be used by each level of management
(like Top, middle & Bottom level of management) in decision making.
4] The below figures indicates the requirement & objective of MIS.

 Objective / Purpose of management information system in management


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Goal Setting

Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling

Information Support

:- The above figure shows that,
after analyzing its environment, the management decides the long term & short term objectives.
:- After deciding objectives, now trying to perform different managerial functions.
:- It requires/gets different kind of information, which is given by MIS.

E-107, Vrundavan township, Besides Tasty Restaurant , Near sangam char rasta, Karelibaug. M = 82384 48020
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:- So, the main objective of MIS is to help the management in decision making & in performing its functions.
:- Following are the main advantages of MIS:-
1] MIS connects the whole/Total organization
2] MIS Removes duplication of efforts.
3] MIS gives timely, Scientific, Trust worthy, Proper & Permanent = information M = 82384 48020 , 99989 84152

4] MIS helps in making better & proper decision by the management. Join Today For Smart Education
5] MIS process & recovers data with greater speed.
6] It gives information to remote areas/fields users.
7] It gives the information in required structure to the information seeker/finger.


:- Following are the main limitations of MIS
1] MIS is not a substitute for effective management.
2] MIS may not have require changingness to firstly balance itself with the changing needs of changing environment.
3] The quality of the works of MIS depends on the quality of Input process.
4] MIS is less useful In non-programmed decision
5] MIS cannot give systematic information packages proper for every kind of decision made by superiors.
6] The properness & effectiveness of MIS is also reduced/decreased in case of a change in the
organizational structure, Working team, Top management
7] MIS consider only quantitative factors. It cannot take into account the qualitative factors,
which have a main effect on decision making by the managers.
8] MIS is not progressive where secrecy is maintain in spreading information to their workers.

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