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Class Notes:

Topic: Building a Visual Library for Drawing

- Drawing a ower requires having a memory of a speci c ower that you've encountered.

- There may not be an exact replica of that ower in the world, but we remember it and
recognize it as a ower.

- Throughout our lives, we have seen numerous owers, and they are stored in our memory in
simpli ed, distorted, or even forgotten forms.

- To draw a ower someday, you need to retrieve the ower stored in your memory. This
collection of visual memories is known as the visual library.

- Even if you struggle with drawing initially, by adding new information or rediscovering
forgotten details in your visual library, you can enhance your ability to draw it accurately and
with more detail.

- It is challenging to draw something without su cient information about it. Therefore, it is

essential to observe, remember, and understand the subject carefully to enrich your visual

- While this book focuses on people and characters, anything you observe becomes part of
your visual library.

- By continuously observing, questioning, and drawing various subjects, you can develop a
well-drawn picture that communicates with viewers beyond language.

- Enjoy the process of painting by nurturing your curiosity, observing your surroundings, and
drawing a wide range of subjects.

Key points:

1. Drawing a ower requires recalling a speci c ower from your memory.

2. Our visual library consists of simpli ed, distorted, or forgotten memories of what we've seen.

3. Building a visual library allows for accurate and detailed drawings.

4. Observing, remembering, and understanding subjects contribute to enriching the visual


5. The book focuses on people and characters, but everything observed becomes part of the
visual library.

6. Continuous observation, curiosity, and drawing help in creating well-drawn pictures that
communicate e ectively.

Note: Cultivating a diverse visual library through observation and drawing is essential for
becoming a skilled artist. Enjoy the process of exploring, observing, and capturing various
subjects in your artwork.

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