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Department of Computer Science & Engineering(CSE)


Report On : Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s voltage law(KVL), Kirchhoff’s current law(KCL)

Course Title : Basic Electrical Engineering Sessional
Course Code : CSE 1212 Submitted
To :
Dr. Mahmudul Alam Shuvo
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Submitted By :
Mst. Mahmuda Akter
Student ID : 20211130

Date of Submission : 22 December, 2021

Experiment No: 01

Name of the Experiment: Verification of Ohm’s Law.

• To get familiarize with the basic measuring instruments used in DC circuit.
• To examine the Ohm’s law.
• To understand significance of Ohm’s law.

Electricity is briefly defined as flow of electric charge. It is measured quantitatively by amount of
electric current I(Amperes), through the circuit element of interest.
Potential difference is the difference in the amount of energy that charge carriers have between
two points in a circuit. It is denoted by ∆V.

The statement of Ohm’s law:

The voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, provided
all physical conditions and temperature remain constant.
Mathematically it can be expressed as:

∆V α I
∆V = IR
R = Constant of proportionality called the resistance measured in ohms or symbol Ω.
∆V = Potential difference across the resistors (volts)
I = Current or electric current through the resistor (amperes).

1. Breadboard
2. DC Voltage Supply
3. Resistors(4.7 k Ω)
4. Multi meter 5. Connecting Wire.

Circuit Diagram:
Data Collection:

Data Table for R=4.7 k Ω

Supply , E Voltmeter Ammeter Resistance of Mean
(volts) reading, ∆V reading, I wire, R = ∆V/I resistance, R
(volts) (mA) (k Ω) (k Ω)
2 2.22 0.44 5.04
4 4.20 0.85 4.94
6 5.28 1.28 4.13 4.8
7 7.31 1.5 4.87
10 10.28 2 5.14
12 12.36 2.6 4.75

All the values of column 04 (∆V/I) are almost same and these values are almost equal to the
measured value of the resistance of R(4.7 k Ω). So the Ohm’s law is verified.

The data shows that the higher voltage, then the higher current. That means the voltage is
directly proportional to the current, which is what ohms law states.

I learned that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the
voltage across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them (They
are linearly proportional).
Experiment No: 02
Name of the Experiment: Verification of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL).
• To get familiarize with the basic measuring instruments used in DC circuit.
• To examine the KVL.
• To understand significance of KVL.

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) is that deals with the conservation of energy around a closed
circuit path. It is the second of fundamental law for circuit analysis. This law states that for a
closed loop series path the algebraic sum of all the voltage around any closed loop in a circuit is
equal to zero. This is because a circuit loop is a closed conducting path no energy is lost.
Mathematically this can be expressed as:

ΣV = 0 Equipments:

2.DC Voltage Supply
3.Resistors(1.1 k Ω, 2.2 k Ω, 4.7 k Ω)
4.Multi meter
5.Connecting Wire.

Circuit Diagram:

Data Collection:
Table for R1= 1.1k Ω, R2= 2.2k Ω, R3= 4.7k Ω

Supply Total Voltage Drop Across Voltage Drop Across Voltage Drop Across Total dissipated Error
Voltage, Current, I R1, V1 (volts) R2, V2 (volts) R3, V3 Voltage, Vs-Vm
Vs (mA) (volts) V= V1+ V2+ V3 (Volts)
Measured Measured Calculated Measured Calculated Measured Calculate Measured Calculated
2 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.56 0.55 1.22 1.18. 1.98 2.00 0.02
4 0.48 0.52 0.53 1.10 1..05 2.48 2.25 3.93 3.83 0.07

6 0.72 0.71 0.79 1.62 1.58 3.64 3.38 5.97 5.76 0.03

7 0.87 0.85 0.96 1.92 1.91 4.22 4.09 6.99 6.96 0.01

Sum of the Voltage drop for R1, R2, R3 is almost equal to Supply Voltage (Vs). It
proves that, Vs=V1+V2+V3, which verify the KVL .

By this experiment I observed that the sum of the drop voltages for resistors are almost
equivalent to applied Voltage. And the calculated values also prove that. The error is the
difference between Supplied Voltage and Measured voltage. It may occur for connecting wire or
other measuring equipments.

I have tested the predictions of Kirchhoff’s by measuring the sum of drop voltages. The “low
resistance” circuit was built using resistors in the range of 1.1 k , the “medium resistance”
circuit was built using resistors in the range of 2.2 k and the “high resistance” circuit was built
using resistors in the range of 4.7 k in series. During this experiment the skills gained include:
experience with the breadboard and setting up resistors into series, learning how to measure
voltages and currents across different resistors, and experience with the Multi meter and
Voltmeter. I have learned that the Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) is essential and the most basic
techniques for the analysis linear circuits. The objective of this experiment is to provide proof of
these laws.

Experiment No: 03

Name of the Experiment: Verification of Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL).

• To get familiarize with the basic measuring instruments used in DC circuit.
• To verify the KCL.
• To understand significance of KCL.


Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KVL) is Kirchhoff’s first law which describes how a charge enters and
leaves a wire junction point or node on a wire.

Gustav Kirchhoff’s Current Law is one of the fundamental laws used for circuit analysis. This
current law states that for a parallel path the total current entering a circuit junction is exactly
equal to the total current leaving the same junction. This is because it has no other place to go
as no charge is lost.
In other words the algebraic sum of ALL the currents entering and leaving a junction must be
equal to zero as:
Or , Σ IIN - Σ IOUT = 0

This idea by Kirchhoff is commonly known as the Conservation of Charge, as the current is
conserved around the junction with no loss of current.
If I1, I2 are the current whose enter in a junction and I3, I4, I5 are the current whose leave the
junction then, we can defined this by KCL as:
∑I = 0

I1+ I2-I3-I4-I5=0 or,

I1+ I2 =I3+I4+I5

1. Breadboard
2. DC Voltage Supply
3. Resistors(100 Ω, 1.1 k Ω, 2.2k Ω)
4. Multi meter
5. Connecting Wires

Circuit Diagram:
Data Collection:

Table for R= 100 Ω, R1= 1.1k Ω, R1= 2.2k Ω

Supply Voltage, Total Current, Iin Current Across Current Across Total dissipated
Vs (mA) R1, I1 R2, I2 Voltage,
(volts) (mA) (mA) Iout=I1+I2
Measured Measured Measured Measured
4 5 4 1 5
6 7.5 5 2.3 7.3
7 10 7 3 10
10 15 10.5 4.4 14.9
12 17 12 5 17

From the data table, we can see the entered Current (Iin) and the leaving Current( Iout) almost
equal. It satisfied the Kirchhoff’s Current Law.

By this experiment I observed that the entered current in a junction is divided within the
sub paths. And at the junction of the end of the sub-paths the current becomes the same
as the previous current which is the principle of Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL).

The purpose of this experiment was to verify Kirchhoff's current Law. One can see from the data
and explanations provided in the Discussion that this purpose was met. When the currents
going in and out at node N1 and N2, in the above diagram, Iin and Iout will be same. When Iin enter
in N1 , Iin was divided into I1 and I2. During this experiment the skills gained include: experience
with the breadboard and setting up resistors into series and parallel, learning how to measure
currents across different resistors and nodes, and experience with the Multi meter and

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