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Every person has to pass through many stages in their life.

Adolescence refers to the stage in which human growth and
development occurs after childhood and before adulthood. It
starts with puberty and represents one of the critical
transitions in one's life span. It is characterized by fast paced
growth and change. There are some noticeable changes and
developments in the biological process. For example, gaining
puberty, development of sexual attitude, behavioural change,
alternation in tone is the most common phenomena. The time
of adolescence is a period of preparation for adulthood as
such some acute psychological changes in youth. Personality
development is initiated at this stage. The adolescents
become emotional and find his identity. It is also a time of
considerable risks. Adolescents feel curious to use cigarettes,
alcohol or other drugs. Some of them get involved in sexual
relationship that put them at high risk. Global communication
and external environment responsible for this. Families,
schools, health services and the workplaces should help them
learn a wide range of skills. These skills can help them cope
with the pressures they face. Thereby a successful transition
from childhood to adulthood may be possible. In short, we can
conclude that adolescence is a time that shapes the future of
the lives of girls and boys. So, parents and members of the
community must be careful of them.

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