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Animal Farm written by George Orwell. Animal Farm is fable style. We see a lot of satire in the book.

George Orwell wrote this book to criticize Stalin. So the author summed up socialism in this book.
Pigs led the revoulation in the book. Of course, everyone was very happy at first. Pigs led the
revolution well, but that situation has changed. Other animals started to work very hard conditions.
Especially, I felt very sad for Boxer while reading the book. Boxer really believed the revoulation. It
was working too much and the other animals were very upset about it. Expect pigs. I remember when
I read the book. I wanted the rancher to come back. The leader(. was killing those who wanted to
talk. I remember Snowball’s efforts while reading the book. It was a really good leader and pig but
then Napoleon ruined everything. Napoleon’s changing was very suddden. That animal was a lousy
leader. So a dictator. Napoleon and her followers were enjoying themselves, the others were striving
for the mill house. They dis not want human rule but the results were terrible. How can an animal
scommunity build a mill house? Of course, they built it very hard conditions. This book explains well
to me that socialism doesn’t work always. I read this at the end of the book, because pigs were
starting to look like humans. Everyone shouldn’t work equal conditions. Sometimes the system is
obvious and you should adapt.

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