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Caroline Ferguson 3 Domain Scheme vs. 5 Kingdom Model Nov 15, 2013.

Archaea Bacteria Eukaryota

STRUCTURAL/ Cell Wall Existence of cell Existence of cell wall –
NO cell wall except
Morphological wall – no has peptidoglycans Plantae (cellulose),
peptidoglycans but Cycling of C, N & S Fungi (chitin),
5C isoprene depend upon Bac. someProtista,
Organelles none none EXIST & are Double-
GENETIC DNA is either Naked, single DNA + histones; single DNA + more histones
associated with circular DNA circular chromosome > helix; highly-organized
histones or naked. during division into multiple
linear chromosomeS
Plastids allow gene none present none
transfer across species
Transcription/ Similar despite lack of similar
translation nuclear membrane
PHYSIOLOGICAL Metabolic Needs O2, H2, CO2, S/HS Oxygen may be Oxygen needed
may be needed for needed/tolerated/toxic.
Mode of Nutrition:
absorption, Y Y Protista, Fungi
photophosphorylation Non-photosynthetic Photosynthetic Plantae, Protista
chemosynthesis Y Y Protista
ingestion - - Protista, Animalia

Mode of Reproduction asexual Mostly asexual but Sexual except asexual

exchange of plasmids is in Protista & yeasts
Locomotion Using pseudopods, cilia, Protista similar to
flagella Bacteria
MOLECULAR Ribosomes are critical
so is conserved
Structure Size 70S Size 70S Size 80S
Enzymatic function Similar to Similar Proteins,
Eukaryotic RNA Translation factors as
polymerase II Archaea
Linkages in Lipids Ether linkages to Ester linkages to Ester linkages
glycerol backbone glycerol backbone
Enzymes Similar in structure & Similar in structure &
function e.g. function
cytochrome oxidase
Membranes are Similar functions Similar functions but
conserved cholesterol present
Caroline Ferguson 3 Domain Scheme vs. 5 Kingdom Model Nov 15, 2013.

The 5 Kingdom Scheme common since the late 1970s divides living organisms into kingdoms Monera
(Bacteria & Archaea), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia and into two main divisions, the Prokaryotae
and the Eukaryotae. Based upon cell structure differences, both Prokaryotae and Eukaryotae were seen
to emerge from a single common ancestor and Archaea, due to its extreme habitat similar to that of
ancestral Earth, was thought to be the ancestral form of Bacteria. However, molecular biology analysis
of ribosomal RNA has shown that Archaea may have more in common with Eukaryota than Bacteria.
Ribosomes, due to their critical importance in protein synthesis, are conserved in terms of molecular
composition at their active sites, which are occupied by r-RNA. On the basis of this new evidence, it has
been suggested that Prokaryotae now be divided into two domains, the Bacteria and the Archaea with
neither group being ancestral to the others, and each shares certain features with the others as well as
having unique characteristics of its own.

The new 3 Domain Scheme shows the similarity between Archaea and Eukaryota better and does not
falsely portray it as the ancestral form of Bacteria. It also allows for forms of life like viruses, which had
no place in the tree of life before the universal ancestral concept emerged.

The evidence supporting th 3 Domain Scheme is:

1. Molecular: ribosomal RNA structure is similar between Archaea and Eukaryotae. Morover, their
RNA polymerases are closer and transcription factors are more alike than between Prokaryotae.
2. Genetic: DNA is associated with histones (proteins) or naked. DNA organization ranges from
highly-organized to simple but Bacteria have plastids that allow cross-species genetic movement
and this is not shared by Archaea.
3. Molecular: Linkages within lipids are ether bonds in Archaea but are ester linkages in both
Bacteria and Eukaryotae. This makes their membrane composition different and since
membranes are most conserved in evolutionary terms, this is a fundamental difference that can
be better explained by the new 3 Domain Scheme.

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