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Title: Impact of Classroom Environment on Learning Outcomes of Grade 10 students– Survey

Name(optional) __________________ Grade and Section (required) : _____________

Gender:__________ Age (required) ________


Please read each question carefully and select the most appropriate response. Your honest feedback
is highly appreciated, as it will contribute to a better understanding of the topic.

How would you rate the physical environment of your current classroom in terms of the following
factors? (Rate from 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent)

a) Lighting: _____

b) Noise level:_____

c) Temperature control:____

d) Air quality:____

e) Classroom layout and furniture:____

How does the physical environment of your classroom affect your learning experience? (Choose all
that apply) (/)

Concentration and focus ____

Comfort and well-being ____

Creativity and engagement ____

Collaboration and interaction with peers ____

Reduction of distractions ____

Other (please specify)

How would you rate the psychological environment of your current classroom in terms of the
following factors? (Rate from 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent)

a) Teacher-student relationship: ____

c) Supportive learning environment: ____

d) Clear expectations and discipline:_____

How does the psychological environment of your classroom affect your learning experience? (Choose
all that apply)

Motivation and engagement ____

Sense of belonging and safety____

Positive teacher-student interactions____

Peer collaboration and teamwork_____

Reduced anxiety and stress_____

Other (please specify)_____

On a scale of 1 to 5, how important do you believe the classroom environment is for your learning
experience and academic performance? (/)

1 (Not important at all) _____

2 (Slightly important)_____

3 (Moderately important)_____

4 (Important)____

5 (Very important) ____

In your current classroom, how would you rate the temperature? (/)

Too hot ___

Slightly ho t ____

Comfortable ____

Slightly cold ____

Too cold _____

How does the temperature in your classroom affect your attitude towards learning? (Choose all that

Makes me feel sleepy or sluggish _____

Makes me feel too hot or uncomfortable ____

Makes me feel too cold or uncomfortable ____

Has no impact on my attitude towards learning ___

Other (please specify)

How does the classroom structure (layout, seating arrangement, etc.) affect your attitude towards
learning? (Choose all that apply)

Promotes collaboration and interaction with peers ____

Provides a comfortable and conducive learning environment ____

Enhances concentration and focus ____

Creates a sense of order and organization ____

Hinders my ability to interact with peers or the teacher ____

Other (please specify)

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall attitude towards the classroom environment?

1 (Negative) ____

2 (Slightly negative) ____

3 (Neutral) ____

4 (Positive) ____

5 (Very positive) ____

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