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Medical School Online Holiday Request Form

Student Instructions

Logging in - Please click link or copy and paste into your browser - https://holiday-, it may ask you to log into MUSE.

You will see the home page, which shows your holiday allowance and any upcoming/pending and
approved holidays.

To request holiday click Holiday Request at the top of the screen. Then click New.

A drop screen will then appear and you can add you days to be taken here. You can also add a
comment in the box for your supervisor, if needed. Once finished please click the Request button.

Please note that the PGR Team will have full access to this system and can
amend/cancel any holiday requests made.
This will now send an email to your supervisor advising them that their student has submitted a request
for annual leave.

If you click on Holiday Request again, the page will refresh and this will now show your pending leave

The other option to view, book and edit holidays is to click the Calendar button. At this stage you will
not be able to cancel your request. You will only be able to cancel your booking once your supervisor
has approved it.

Once your supervisor has approved/rejected your annual leave this will show in the Holiday Request tab
at the top. You will also receive an email notification informing you of your supervisors’ decision.

Please note that Holiday Allowance Remaining will not reduce until the annual leave has been taken.

Please note that the PGR Team will have full access to this system and can
amend/cancel any holiday requests made.

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