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Errata & Clarifications

Christopher Peter & Alejo Marello

© Divine Madness Press 2020

Damir White (Order #39335866)

P. 26: Clarification
Spending Combat Skill Points to gain additional Combat Bonuses to Control or Damage also
increases the maximum bonus available for that Combat Bonus. The example in the text is
correct: the extra Combat Bonus obtained in PL 6 makes the total Bonus +3 and the maximum
bonus equal to 3. Because of that, at PL 7 the maximum bonus for that Combat Bonus is 4, so
the Fighter can invest the new Combat Bonus on the same Combat Bonus (up to the maximum
+4) and then the 3 Combat Skill Points acquired at PL 7 to bring both the bonus and its
maximum to +5.

P. 30: The following phrase

“When a character achieves Power Level 2, he chooses one of the four categories in which to
take a +1 bonus. At Power Level 3, he may choose a different bonus at +1, or he can choose the
same bonus to become +2.”

Should be replaced with

“When a character achieves Power Level 2, he chooses one of the four categories in which to
take a +1 bonus. At Power Level 3, he may choose a different bonus at +1. At Power Level 4, he
may choose a new bonus or he can choose to increase an existing bonus to become +2.”

P. 116: Clarification
Time Count duration begins on the turn in which the effect activates. If the time roll for that turn
exceeds the duration, the effect still lasts for one more turn minimum. However, if the
subsequent time roll exceeds the duration, the effect ends at the end of the turn.

Extended Execution Keyword should have the following entry:

Extended Execution: The move usually takes more than one action to complete.
Moves with this Keyword need special consideration when combined with some Elements and
Liabilities, due to the particular way they are used in combat.
Elements and Liabilities should be applied to the second and final use of the move, with the
following exceptions:
For Power Up, the Control version of this Element can be applied to the first or second
execution of the move, but this must be defined when the move is first designed. Utility Combo
Opener and Easy to Combo are applied to both executions of the move (when appropriate).
Glory is gained only when the second execution of an Extended Execution move is used

Damir White (Order #39335866)

P. 117: Basic Keyword should have the following entry:
Basic: This move is not considered a Special Move when constructing a Combo. Offensive
Normal and/or Stun Moves inflict just 1 Damage (unmodified by Strength or Stamina) when
used in the middle or at the end of a Combo. This is in lieu of all cases in which damage from a
Special Move is halved.

P. 122: Absorbs Attacks Element should have this paragraph added to the description:
It is possible to absorb an attack and do damage at the same time if the absorbing move has
the Offensive keyword.

P. 124: Area Effect Element should have the following entries:

Required: Offensive Keyword. No Elements or Liabilities that modify Range can be present with
the exception of the Ranged Element. If the Ranged Element is present, Elements and
Liabilities that affect the Range of a Ranged move are allowed.

Combo: Ender. This Keyword cannot be removed by any other Elements, Liabilities, or game

P. 126: Assault Bomb Element should have the following entry:

Keywords: Turns

P. 129: Early Ending Element should have the following entry:

Description: The Buff can be ended earlier by using the End Buff Command Move or a Special
Move with the End Buff Element (see page 137).

The following Command Move should be added to this page.

End Buff: L2
Keywords: Utility, Normal Move, Instantaneous
Combo: Basic. The moves following this move in a Combo are not affected by the Buff at all .
Description: A specific Buff move ends immediately when this move is used. This move is
considered to have the End Buff Element.

Damir White (Order #39335866)

P. 130: Increased Duration Element should have the following entry:
Required: Buff. Cannot have No Reload. Limited Use can be added only if the pool is also
shared by at least other 2 moves.

Movement Only Liability should have the following entry:

Combo: Ender. This move loses Ender if followed by a move with the End Buff Element in the
same Combo.

P. 133: Counter Element should have the following entries:

Description: This move is specially designed to block an opponent’s attack while launching an
immediate counterattack. This move allows the defender to use the Counter Defensive
Response, but the move may not be used as a normal attack or as a Reaction Attack. This
move may not be used for any other Defensive Responses.

Example: This Element represents moves that can only be executed while actively blocking an
incoming attack, usually pushing the attacker back or knocking him down.

P. 137: End Buff Element should have the following entry:

Description: This Special Move can be used to end a specific active Buff (see page 128 above),
defined when this Special Move is created. All effects of the Buff are active on this move when
used, with the exception of the No Movement Liability: this move has no restriction on
movement. There is an additional Liability that can be applied to this Element.

P. 139: Explosive Element should have the following entries:

Required: Offensive Keyword. No Elements or Liabilities that modify Range can be present with
the exception of the Ranged Element. If the Ranged Element is present, Elements and
Liabilities that affect the Range of a Ranged move are allowed.

Combo: Ender. This Keyword cannot be removed by any other Elements, Liabilities, or game

P. 140: Flight Element should have the following paragraphs added to the description:
The Evasion bonus granted by this Element is nullified in the following situations:
1) If the combatant has been Knocked Down. The bonus returns if the Fighter stands up without
being interrupted (i.e. it does not apply when the opponent Holds Initiative and declares an

Damir White (Order #39335866)

attack as the Fighter stands up or if the opponent uses a Reaction Attack while the Fighter is
standing) and if time remains.
2) If the combatant is affected by a move with the Harry, Entangle, or Critical Hit Elements.
Critical Hit only prevents Flight if the Critical Hit rolls even damage (see p. 136). The bonus
returns on the following turn on the Fighter's initiative total or after being hit.

P. 141: Gradual Effect Element should have this paragraph added to the description:
When this Element is combined with Increased Stun, the additional Stun damage is added to
the last instance of damage. It is not divided over each instance of damage.

P. 145: Increased Stun Element should have the following entry:

Combo: The additional Stun damage is not halved if the move is not the first move in a Combo.

P. 162: Reflection Element should have this paragraph added to the description:
In some situations, this might mean that the opponent is attacked twice: once with the reflected
Ranged attack and once with a Reflection move with the Offensive keyword within range. In this
case, the reflected attack is resolved first (using half Defense or Evasion Skill) and then the
Interrupt attack is resolved (using half Defense Skill, unless the Interrupt attack is also Aerial.
See p. 231). Damage from both attacks is not combined when calculating Stun. The defender
could select either attack to start a Combo.

P. 168: Suppression Element description entry should replace the following sentence

“Four Elements: All Techniques and combat modifiers from Qualities (such as Big or Mobility) are
also suppressed for a 5-count.”


“Four Elements: All Techniques and combat modifiers from Qualities (such as Big or Mobility) and
all beneficial effects from Moves, such as Buffs, are also suppressed for a 5-count.”

P. 173: Triggered Interrupt Element should have this paragraph added to the description:
The Power Up Element using extra Control should be expended on the initial use of the move.

Damir White (Order #39335866)

P. 174: Unblockable Element should be replaced by:
Unblockable (1 or 4)
Required: Knocks Down, Increased Stun. Super Moves only require Offensive.
Combo: Mixup
Description: This move has +4 Accuracy, but only against Defense (i.e., not against Evasion or
Tactics). However, the slow build-up for an Unblockable move gives it a −2 Accuracy against
Evasion and Tactics. Unblockable costs 4 Elements for Super Moves.

Wind Up Element description entry should replace the following sentence

“On a later turn, the delayed move can be used as an L1 move.”


“On a later turn, the execution of the delayed move requires only one Control.”

P. 188: Increased Duration Liability should have the following entry:

Increased Duration (-1)
Keywords: Time Count, Always
Description: In addition to the effect of the Vulnerability Liability, the Fighter suffers additional
damage for a full five-count (or at least one full turn) after the move is used. If a move with this
Liability is used while it is still in effect, the time count resets to five on the start of the next turn.

P. 189: Infinite Supers should have the following entry:

Keywords: Time Count, Always

P. 195: In the Limitations of Limited Movement, replace the phrase “No Defense Liability” with
“No Defense Style Flaw”

P. 195: The following paragraph

“Cost: One Quality (essentially, a Technique called “Modified Defense”). The character must also
choose one of the special Liabilities from this section (i.e., Forced Style Change, Harder

Damir White (Order #39335866)

Command Move, or Limited Movement) for the same style. This Liability is part of the cost of this
Element and offers no other benefit.”

Should be replaced with

“Cost: One Quality (essentially, a Technique called “Modified Defense”). The character must also
choose one of the Style Flaws from this section (i.e., Forced Style Change, Harder Command
Move, or Limited Movement) for the same style. This Style Flaw is part of the cost of this
Quality and offers no other benefit.”

P. 195: The following paragraph

“Limitations: This Element cannot be applied to a character’s Base Style.”

Should be replaced with

“Limitations: This Quality cannot be applied to a character’s Base Style.”

P. 195: The following paragraph

“Effect: When the Fighter uses this style, his ability to block attacks can be temporarily decreased,
but in exchange his ability to evade or counter attacks is increased. The Fighter’s Defense Total
with the Defense Skill is reduced by one. However, his Defense Totals with either the Evasion or
Tactics Skills are increased by one (defined when the move is designed). An additional Quality
(and corresponding Liability) can be spent to count lower Defense by two to increase Evasion or
Tactics by two, but no additional Qualities can be used to modify defenses.”

Should be replaced with

“Effect: When the Fighter uses this style, his ability to block attacks can be temporarily decreased,
but in exchange his ability to evade or counter attacks is increased. The Fighter’s Defense Total
with the Defense Skill is reduced by one. However, his Defense Totals with either the Evasion or
Tactics Skills are increased by one (defined when the style is designed). An additional Quality (and
corresponding Style Flaw) can be spent to count lower Defense by two to increase Evasion or
Tactics by two, but no additional Qualities can be used to modify defenses.”

P. 196: The following paragraph

Damir White (Order #39335866)

“Description: While in the designated Style or for the duration of the Buff, he cannot move in any
way. He may still be Knocked Back.”

Should be replaced with

“Description: While in the designated Style, he cannot move in any way. He may still be Knocked

P. 202: Clarification
When using a Super Move with the Extended Execution Keyword, the Super Energy must be
expended when the Super Move is first launched. Subsequent executions of the same use of
the Super do not require additional Super Energy.

P. 227: Add the following entry on the Combo Checklist between Steps 7 and 8
● If the Combo has a Special Move anywhere other than the opening move, there is an
additional −1 Accuracy.

P. 235: The following phrase

“A Special or Super Move with the Ranged Element (along with a few other particular instances)
instead determines base damage according to the character’s Ki Skill.”

Should be removed

P. 235: The following phrase

“Strength does not modify an attack whose damage is based on Ki Skill.”

Should be replaced with

“A Special or Super Move with the Ranged Element (along with a few other particular instances)
uses Ki instead of Strength to increase or decrease damage.”

Damir White (Order #39335866)

P. 237: The following paragraph

“A Fighter is Knocked Down when he is successfully attacked by an attack that includes the
Knocks Down Keyword. After being Knocked Down, he must use his action for the turn to stand
up instead of moving or attacking. The normal effects of Hit Stun do not apply in this case, and he
can still stand even if he was using Total Defense. On the following turn, the Fighter reduces his
die size for Initiative by one. The Total Defense bonus does not apply (if applicable).”

Should be replaced with

“A Fighter is Knocked Down when he is successfully attacked by an attack that includes the
Knocks Down Keyword. After being Knocked Down, he must use his action for the turn to stand
up instead of moving or attacking. The normal effects of Hit Stun do not apply in this case. On the
following turn, the Fighter reduces his die size for Initiative by one.”

P. 370 : Air Fireball should have the following entries:

Accuracy: +0 (+1 vs Evasion)

Damage: 1d6[2]

P. 371: Close Ki Attack should have the following entry:

Damage: 1d8 (+2 Stun)

Fireball should have the following entry:

Damage: 1d8

P. 373: Flying Smash should have the following entry:

Accuracy: +0 (+1 vs Evasion)

Forward Flip Kick should have the following entry:

Accuracy: +1 (+1 vs Evasion)

Damir White (Order #39335866)

Overhead Smash should have the following entry:

Accuracy: +0 (+1 vs Evasion)

P. 374: Shockwave should have the following entries:

Accuracy: +0 (-1 vs Evasion, +1 vs Defense)

Damage: 1d6

Slide Kick should have the following entry:

Accuracy: +0 (-1 vs Evasion, +1 vs Defense)

Super Fireball should have the following entry:

Damage: 1d8

P. 375: Tumble Attack should have the following entry:

Accuracy: +1 (-1 vs Evasion, +1 vs Defense)

P. 380: Conditions that Decrease Accuracy the following entry:

“Ending a Combo with a Special Move: −1”

Should be replaced with

“The Combo has a Special Move anywhere other than the opening move: −1”

Damir White (Order #39335866)

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