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CMA Data Collection (Mobile View)

Step 1: Click the “Notification Bell” icon on the upper right side of your CMA Account and
select the latest notification entitled “HCPH – Onboarding Instructions and Data Collection”.

*Upon clicking, a pop-up notification will appear and will be notified in the personal email;
then click the arrow to go back to Home page.

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
Step 2: Select “Positions” tab located on the lower right side of your screen. Click the
drop-down arrow then click “Fill Data”.

Step 3: Fill up all the required fields (especially portions with *)

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
1. Personal Data *
2. Present address *
3. Permanent address *
4. Emergency Contact *
5. Education *
6. Father’s and Mother’s info *
7. Government Numbers & Form *
8. GLI Beneficiary 1 *
9. HMO Dependent (Applicable only to Band B-E Candidates) *
10. Other Information *

Step 4: Under Files Information*, upload all the documents that is being requested by
clicking “Select file”.

o Make sure that you have already watched our

Pre-Employment Checklist video first before
uploading the necessary documents.
Click this link - Pre-Employment Checklist -
o Driver’s License and Vehicle OR/CR are only
applicable for Field Officer Candidates only.
Once all required documents have been
submitted and you have agreed on the terms
and conditions indicated on the lower part of
the page, click Finish.

This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.

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