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1)She is not good at

studies (means she is strict in

studies, but not as strict which
everyone is,every strict teacher
teaches us very well and happily
but she is doing very
erroneous)does not take interest
to teach us while every strict
teacher does not do that way
2)She Does not care about
anyone.Whenever there is
problem, for helping there is some
teacher,but there she comes and
tell that let him do whatever he
wants, if he will do something,he
will get fail
3)She also throws out from class
purposely for one study
mistake (means that if she writes
on board and if we bymistakely
write in notebook when she
doesn't tell us, now every strict
teacher stops us but she throws
out from class,means she does not
care about our studies
4) Whenever our exam time gets
over,the right answer which we
have written it she tells us to
keep our pen down, but she also
tells us to cancel the answer
which we have written.
5)She also gives harmful threats
and does in really and to those
to in which there i no fault
6)If there is single mistake of
ours,she does the work forcefully
7)Her behaviour is not good, she
behaves rude everywhere if there
is no mistake of Ours
8)She abuses very badly to us
individually and suggests us to
do the right thing which she
9)Her behaviour is stubborn,she
does not listen to us if there is
no mistake of us a bit.
10) She has attitude and tells us
badly that every teacher doesn't
tell it
11)Inside the school, she treats
the student and parents as their
servants and also does not listen
to them
12)She also gives the treat of
school suspension for the mistake
which haven't done it.

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