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First Unit Test 2023-24

Subject: English Language Time: 45min

Date: 18-07-2023 Class: III F.M.: 20

Name Roll No:

I. Recall 1x4=4m

1. Read the following statements and state the type of sentences:

a. Go to your room.
b. My father is reading the newspaper.
c. Are you coming to my house?
d. How beautiful the rainbow looks!

II. Understand 1x4=4m

Change the sentences below into negative sentences:

Mark will travel to Germany next week.
I have many friends.
She walks to school everyday.
We have plans for our holidays.

III. Apply and Analyse 1x4=4m

Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentences with appropriate

punctuation marks:

a. mother / a / journalist / his / is

b. us / let / tomorrow / meet
c. trip / went / on / class / our / a / field
d. lights / are / the / in / those / sky / what

IV. Evaluate 1x5=5m

Read the passage:

There once lived a great wizard. One day, as he was walking through the
village, a mouse fell to the ground from the beak of a crow. The wizard
picked him up and fed him some rice.
Next day, he saw a cat chasing the mouse. Scared that the cat will kill
the pet, he turned the mouse into a cat so that he could save himself.
The next day he saw a tiger frightening the cat and immediately
changed it into a tiger.
The villagers said, “That’s not a tiger! It’s just a mouse that the wizard
changed into a tiger. He won’t eat us or even scare us.”
The mouse, who was now a tiger, heard this and was furious with the
wizard. He thought, “As long as the wizard is alive, the truth about my
real nature will always be spoken! He decided to kill the wizard.
But when the wizard saw the tiger, he understood his plan and changed
the tiger back into a mouse again.

Which of the statement is true according to the passage?

1. The wizard was kind to animals.
1. 2. The wizard was unkind to animals.
3. The wizard was clever.
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3

2. Find the words from the passage which mean:

a. to rescue -
b. very angry -

3. Which of these means the opposite of cruel?

a. False
b. Rough
c. Kind

4. Why did the mouse plan to kill the wizard?


5. Give a heading to the passage and state a reason why you have chosen

V. Create 1x3=3m
Write a sentence each
a. using don’t
b. an exclamatory sentence
c. an interrogative sentence

----------------------- All The Best----------------------------

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