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Genetically Modified Organisms


 “GMO” (genetically modified organism) is the common term consumers and popular media
use to describe a plant, animal, or microorganism that has had its genetic material (DNA)
changed using technology that generally involves the specific modification of DNA,
including the transfer of specific DNA from one organism to another. Scientists often refer to
this process as genetic engineering.
 Engineers design plants using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to improve taste,
nutritional content, and resilience.
 Pros
Manufacturers use genetic modification to give foods desirable traits. Potential advantages
of GMO crops include:
1. increased attractiveness to consumers, for example, apples and potatoes that are
less likely to bruise or turn brown
2. enhanced flavor
3. longer shelf life and therefore less waste
4. greater resistance to viruses and other diseases, which could lead to less waste and
increased food security
5. greater tolerance to herbicides, making it easier for farmers to control weeds
6. increased nutritional value, as in golden rice, which can boost the health of people
with limited access to food
7. greater resistance to insects, allowing farmers to reduce pesticide use
8. ability to thrive in a harsh climate, such as drought or heat
9. ability to grow in salty soil
 Growing plants that are more resistant to diseases spread by insects or viruses will likely
result in higher yields for farmers and a more attractive product.
 All these factors contribute to lower costs for the consumer and can ensure that more
people have access to quality food.
 The possible benefits of genetic engineering include:

1. More nutritious food

2. Tastier food

3. Disease- and drought-resistant plants that require fewer environmental resources

(such as water and fertilizer)
4. Less use of pesticides

5. Increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life

6. Faster growing plants and animals

7. Food with more desirable traits, such as potatoes that produce less of a cancer-
causing substance when fried

8. Medicinal foods that could be used as vaccines or other medicines

 Are GMO foods good or bad for the environment?

Climate change and severe weather events are disrupting food production and supply.
GMO foods could help maintain supplies in the face of changing environmental conditions
and a growing population.
Genetically modifying some foods could make them:
1. easier to store and transport
2. Less prone to waste due to disease and aging
3. more likely to grow in areas with poor quality soil
4. higher in nutrients
 Are there health benefits?
GMO products do offer some potential benefits. These include:
1. More access to healthy food: GMO crops may produce higher yields, year-round
food, or faster yields. As a result, they can reduce the cost of food and make it more
accessible, especially during the winter months when crop yields are usually lower.
Consequently, more people — especially those living in poverty or with lower access
to quality food — may be able to eat healthier food year-round.
2. A reduction in potentially harmful chemical usage: Breeding insect and weed-
resistant organisms may reduce farmers’ reliance on potentially harmful chemicals
as pesticides.
3. Healthier foods: Certain genetic modifications may make food healthier or more
nutrient-dense. For example, some GMO soybean oils are healthier than traditional
4. Environmental benefits: Some genetic modifications may reduce the damage that
factory farming does to the environment. Crops that tolerate certain herbicides
require little or no soil tilling, producing healthier soil and reducing the labor
necessary to grow these crops.
 Positive effects (Environment)
- There are also potential environmental benefits to GMO crops. For example, GMO
crops may reduce the need to use dangerous pesticides and other chemicals that
pollute the environment. GMO crops can also increase the total amount of food
available and help farmers earn more money.

References / Further Readings:

Possible Arguments from the other side:

 Does GMO really helps in reducing the environmental issues since technologies and other
machines are still involved?
 GM crop technology has improved yields through improved control of pests and weeds. As
a result, farmers who grow GM crops have reduced the environmental impact associated
with their crop protection practices by 17.3 percent.
 Can we really say that GMO products is safe and harmful?
 Yes. GMO foods are carefully studied before they are sold to the public to ensure they are
as safe as2 the foods we currently eat. These studies1 show that GMOs do not affect you
differently than non-GMO foods.

References / Further Readings:


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