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Martim Paulo

Business management Student

After a year studying accounting at another college, I decided to switch for what I really enjoy
doing. I completed the first year without any subjects behind.
I worked 5 months only during the college transition phase. Despite having little professional
experience, the short time I worked gave me a lot of bases for the professional world.

Contact Experience
2022(Feb) - 2022(June)

Email Call Center Operator I worked 5 months (part-time) for Amnesty International. I used to call asking for
donations to help underprivileged people from the war in Ukraine. During these five
Address months, in four of them, I managed to be the best seller on my team, winning a prize in
Rua da esperança nº30 2esq the final two months. I learned basic and intermediary communication techniques, as well
as the ability to persuade customers to make donations. I feel ready for any role related to
interacting with the public


12th grade
Escola Gama Barros Qualities
Gradution - Business management I am very communicative and I rarely have problems with stress. I feel very comfortable
Universidade Lusófona expressing myself in front of other people because embarrassed is not a word that defines me.
Working with others is easy since I listen well to other people's opinions, working with myself I
think is also easy since I accept constructive criticism well.
I love a good challenge as well as a good difficult situation. Whenever they put me to the test,
Expertise I do my best to achieve the best result. When, unfortunately, I cannot achieve what is asked of
me, I look for better ways to improve myself.



Portuguese Native


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