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U-rban areas has a bridges and railways.

R-egion surrounding a city.

B- ig population and many oppurtunites for work.

A-reas are very developed community.

N-ot engaged in gathering or production of food.

R-relationships, personal ties, social interaction are personal in nature.

U-nusual city.

R-arely had a buildings and few homes.

A-lso population density is very low.

L-iving in a barrio community.

S-emi city and barrio.

U-sually had a building, production of food.

B-est for creating a home, building, and agriculture.

U-nderstanding the city and barrio.

R-eally goods for people that wants to create a home in city and has a agriculture.

B-ig homes,building, agriculture and fishing.

A-lso have a many population.

N-ot totally a remote area.


1.identify the type of community of your current residence.

Urban the community or any barrio where you came from. look into the way of life of the people.list
down at least 5 characteristics of your community.

huge population, many houses and building, social interaction and mobility.

3.what program have been introduced by the government and/or private sector to effect change and
social improvement in the life of the people in your community?

Sport para sa kabataan, Asphalting of barangay, cleaning the public market and plaza and renovation of
cultural in urdaneta.

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