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1. “Man’s Search for Ultimate Meaning’’ is the last book of Viktor Emil Frankl in which
the author explains how we can create meaning for ourselves and, ultimately, he
reveals how life has more to offer us than we could ever imagine. The book is based
on the point that the primary motivational force of an individual is “to find a meaning
in life”. The author shares the wisdom of personal and professional experience
2. It includes author’s concepts of values and conscience providing hope and
encouragement for the salvation of humankind. This book gives millions of people a
message of hope and spiritual and psychological guidance.

About the Book

3. The details about the book are as:

a. Title of the book: Man’s Search for Ultimate Meaning
b. Written by: Viktor Emil Frankl
c. No of Chapters: Nine (189 pages)
d. Edition: Third
e. Published by: Perseus Publishing Group

About the Author

4. “Viktor Emil Frankl” was born in Vienna, Austria in 1905 and was Professor of
Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Vienna until his death in 1997. Dr.
Frankl received the degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy from
the University of Vienna.
5. During WW-II he spent three years at Auschwitz and other conc camps. . His wife,
father, mother and brother all died in Nazi conc camps, only he and his sister
survived, but he never lost the qualities of compassion, loyalty, undaunted spirit and
thirst for life. He is the author of over 39 books and is most noted for his best-selling
book Man's Search for Meaning based on his experiences in various Nazi
concentration camps.

Summary of the book

6. I have divided nine chapters of the book in three broad cat:

a. Part I: Psychoanalysis and Existentialism . First five chapters explaining the
relationship b/w psychology and existential analysis with the help of different
b. Part II: Foundation and application of Logotherapy . In these chapters the
author studies and gives evidences to support logotherapy i.e. how it is the best
remedy for the doomed souls.
c. Part III: Search for Ultimate Meaning . The last chapter is the lecture of the
author which he delivered to the students at the University of Vienna highlighting
the importance of a meaningful life.
(1) Part I: Psychoanalysis and Existentialism

The author justifies by giving examples of his patients that if someone is

clear about his existence i.e. what is the meaning of his life? What
purpose he is serving? And what is the role of religion in his life? Only
then, he manages to bypass many sufferings. His every action brings him
to the realm of consciousness. Even his dreams start to show him the right
direction, the faith starts guiding him and by virtue of self-realization and
awareness the person gets hold of himself. The person manages to see
through time and his mind also takes him away from depression, anxiety
and frustration. The author criticizes the dogma of the religious leaders
that spend their time proving that their followers have to believe in them
and no one else

(2) Part II: Foundation and application of Logotherapy

The following list represents basic principles of logotherapy:

(a) Life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most miserable ones.
(b) Our main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life.

(c) We have freedom to find meaning in what we do, and what we experience.

According to Frankl, we can discover this meaning in life in three different

ways by creating a work or doing a deed, by experiencing something or
encountering someone and by the attitude we take toward unavoidable
suffering. The writer builds the narrative that everything can be taken from
a man but human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of

The author has also thrown lt on Logotherapeutic views and treatment i.e.
overcoming anxiety, depression and OCD.

(3) Part III: Search for Ultimate Meaning

The author delivers his talk on the lessons he learnt i.e. the crux of his life.
The author has focused on the need to justify the creation of human
beings, to search for an eternal goal. The fear of death decreases with the
increase in the purpose and meaning in ones own life and life retains its
meaning up until the very moment of its end. The author says Man is
asked the question by life i.e. what is the meaning of life? Man must
respond to life in action and take responsibility for that action. To
summarize lecture author says:
(a) Be the master of your will and the servant of your conscience.
(b) Meaning must be found and cannot be given.
(c) Despair is suffering without meaning.


7. I would recom this book to the indls who know the basic foundations of Psychology
and Philosophy to interpret it completely. Those who are interested in understanding
the problems and sufferings of the patients going through depression finding no
reason to live on.
8. This book is not an easy one so not recom to those who have just started to read
books because the stating chapters need guidance to be understood completely.
However, the last chapters is full of wisdom making one to know himself that what
he is cap of making it an important book to be read.


9. I learned that we can find meaning to every single situation and reason, that there
might be something other than a whole, wide meaning to life and, that we can find
meaning in sufferings as well
10. Courage to suffer is also a great blessing.
11. Getting out of ourselves and giving ourselves to others or to something greater is
what the true purpose of life.
12. Happiness and success cannot be pursued it must ensue.
13. Things that happening to you do not matter but your response does i.e. decision
matters not the condition.
14. Just as small fire is extinguished by the storm whereas a large is enhanced likewise,
a weak faith is weakened by catastrophes whereas a strong is strengthened.

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