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“War Horse” by Michael Morpurgo

(1-to-1 tutorial notes)

Total time required is 10 hours, taught in 5 2-hour sessions or 10 1-hour

sessions. Heavy reliance on additional reading being carried out at home by
students, otherwise extra time will be needed to read the required the text.

session theme skills

1&2  reading fiction and non-fiction
historical settings  comparing F and NF
(chapters 1-5 will have
been read in preparation  answering questions by referring to the
for these sessions) text
 forming and explaining opinions
 finding evidence to support opinions
 reflecting on personal experiences and
 effective note-taking
 accurate sentence construction
 explaining authorial intent
 independent reading
3&4  answering questions by referring to the
characterisation and text
(chapters 6-10 will have relationships
been read in preparation
 forming and explaining opinions
for these sessions)  finding evidence to support opinions
 explaining authorial intent
 reflecting on personal responses to
fictional characters
 effective note-taking
 accurate sentence construction
 independent reading
5&6  answering questions by referring to the
perspective text
(chapters 11-15 will
have been read in
 forming and explaining opinions
preparation for these  finding evidence to support opinions
sessions)  identifying with the viewpoints of
characters - empathy
 effective note-taking
 accurate sentence construction
 explaining authorial intent
 independent reading
7&8 summary of sentence  sentence structures
(chapters 16-21 will construction  punctuation
have been read in
 capital letters
preparation for these book review planning
sessions)  planning writing
 making and using notes effectively
9 & 10 writing up final draft 

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