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1) Which of the following are independent risk factors for the development of malignant

tumours: viral infections, smoking, alcohol, sunlight exposre

2) Strain is force applied per unit area? T /F
3) The tongue develops from 1 midline thickening in the 1st pharyngeal arch? T/F
4) What is the average freeway space? 1-2mm, 2-3mm, 3-4mm, 4-5mm
5) Which of the following are developmental odontogenic cysts?
6) Codeine + aspirin are safe to use together? T/F
7) Metronidazole is effective against aerobic bacteria? T/F
8) Physiological response to hypoglcaema includes the secretion of? Insulin, glucagon,
glycogen, growth hormone
9) Management of 21 crossbite? Reverse incline plane, normal incline plane, hawle
appliance with finger spring, segmental fixed appliance, tongue blade therapy
10) What are the fat soluble vitamins?
11) Surface treatment of resin bonded bride prior to bonding? Sandblasting with
27micrometer or 50 micrometer aluminion oxide
12) Infraocclusion of deciduous molars affects which teeth most often?
13) Sign of lack of freeway space in complete dentures? Pain along edentulous ridge or cheek
14) Relapse of class II div I after removable funcitonal appliance is usually due to (more than
1 may be correct)? Downward growth of mandible, upward growth of mandible, maxillary
relapse, incisor relapse, molar eruption
15) What is the best force for rotation in orthodontics?
16) Von Willebrand disease, mode of inheritance, does it affect males or females more?
17) Prevalnce of MB2 canal in maxillary 1st molars?
18) Fibrous epilus is a sign of hyperparathyroidism>
19) Management of anaphylaxis?
20) Mucous extravasation cyst
21) Enamel organ
22) Cleft lip and palate
a. Is associated with eye defects?
b. Is more likely to occur if a sibling has?
23) Mineralization and root completion dates
24) Recurrent apthous stomatitis
a. Associated with ulcerative cholitis?
b. Associate with cell mediated immunity?
25) Buccolingual width of deciduous 5 is less than or more than or equal to that of the
permanent tooth?
26) Renin, aldosterone are secreted in hypotension?
27) Fluoride varnish reduces the incidence of caires by how much in primary and permanent
28) Features of trigeminal neuralgia
29) Independent prognostic factors for oral squamous cell carcinoma?
30) Biological width average dimension and ideal crown margin?
31) W appliance?
32) Constricted pupil is a sign of anaphylaxis shock?
33) Innervation of inferior oblique muscle?
34) Facial artery
a. Is separated from submandibular gland by mylohyoid muscle?
b. Supplies palatine tonsils?
35) Do we use adrenaline free LA in renal transplant pts?
36) Tort of negligence
37) Lymphatic drainage of maxillary sinus
38) Iron deficiency anaemia is associated with haemorhage?
39) Hypovolaemic shock

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