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Bunyod Abdusaidov

Cell phone: your mobile number

# department
# university details

Date: 01.04.2021

To whom it may concern:

It is a great pleasure for me to submit my application for #course_name (Computer Science, Computer
Engineering, Data Science) at #university_name. I’m currently studying IT at Cambridge International
College with a great desire to pursue this field further at university and beyond.

I never thought I would reconsider my decision of not studying at university. I was not going to study at
university at all since I chose programming as my future career and university seemed unnecessary to
achieve my goal. However, I was wrong: despite the mentioned fact, the university offers several
unique opportunities that are impossible to discover anywhere. Therefore, I changed my mind to realize
my dreams with the help of #university_name, embracing its advantages, experiencing university life,
learning difficult computer concepts, expanding my network, and so on.

During the end of 11th grade, after careful considerations I started to learn programming rather than
preparing for university. I encountered troubles at first since learning to code oneself is a relatively
challenging task. Nevertheless, I persisted in learning and gradually improved. Obviously, my parents
insisted that I must study at university otherwise I will encounter serious problems. Thus, upon the high
school graduation, after considerable analysis and heated discussions with parents, I decided to try
university life and its advantages by studying one-year international foundation at Cambridge
International College. This is the place where my plans changed.

At Cambridge International College, I gained considerable experience. To illustrate, now I know how
being away from parents is hard, assignments are difficult yet interesting, collaboration with others is
crucial, having a mentor is important. During the first semester, we, with our programming teacher,
developed a simple tracking system, which was really a refresher for me since I knew programming
before going to Cambridge International College. However, I learned other more difficult topics like
software development cycle, software quality, project management, continuous integration, and
continuous development, etc. Also, I was awarded a full scholarship for the second semester which
was the condition that I agreed with my parents in order to study at Cambridge International College
because we did not have enough budget to pay the tuition fee.

Regarding programming, I started with Python language through online-learning platform called
Udemy. Initially, I could not comprehend the lessons, but through many practices, reading books, and
trials I gradually enhanced my knowledge. During this course, I was able to develop two personal
projects. After finishing the first online course, I purchased the second one in which I created my first
web application and hosted it. I did not stop learning coding individually, but even put more effort and
started applying for internships, both international and local, via LinkedIn, Telegram, and direct email.
Among 43 applications, many did not respond, some rejected, a few responded with an unacceptable
offer, and only two companies called me. I went to the one called Weltlink, successfully completed the
given test project, and was accepted to an internship. This process, the experience, the feelings are
indescribable. My mentor was a team lead from whom I learned a lot, the atmosphere was incredible,
the team was great. And, I kept on learning more and more, working hard, improving my hard and soft
skills. Overall, I gained a highly valuable experience. Now, the next stage starts, which is university.

During university life, I desire to learn various computer concepts in-depth, particularly computer
science, data science, algorithms, artificial intelligence. Additionally, I want to expand my network by
getting acquainted with interesting, talented, skilled students with whom probably we will fund our own
tech company. Since I taught English at school and study centers, I am really into sharing my
knowledge meaning I would be glad collaborating with and helping other students. Moreover, I dream
to take an internship at an international company to which #university_name can be a huge assistance.

After graduating from #university_name, I plan to come back to my home country. As mentioned
reasons indicate, I would like to apply all the acquired knowledge, experience, skills to the prosperity of
my homeland. Most probably, I would work at a local tech company as a software engineer, or at a
study center as a programming mentor. Then, after gaining tons of work experience, I desire to work at
giant tech companies such as Google which is my dream workplace. Nevertheless, one of my biggest
dreams is to develop my own company or product which would help to make the world better and ease
people’s lives.

I believe I will make my goals come true with the help of #university_name. I choose #university_name
to make university life unforgettable, acquire valuable knowledge, meet future coworkers and partners,
flourish my mindset, and contribute to society as a whole.

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