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Innovation Challenge

Innovation Challenge is an exciting competition organised by NSS IIT Delhi.

The competition aims to foster students’ creativity, problem-solving and
community engagement. Participants are invited to submit their creative
scienti c ideas for making useful products with minimal resources which can
contribute to improving the IIT Delhi campus community. For example,
during the previous mandate, NSS IITD produced Eco-Bricks.

Competition Objectives:
1. Encourage students to think creatively and come up with innovative ideas.

2. Promote problem-solving skills and the ability to develop practical


3. Inspire community engagement and contribute to the overall well-being of

the IIT Delhi campus community.

4. Encourage resourcefulness by focusing on ideas that can be implemented

with little to no cost.

The competition is open to all currently enrolled students of IIT Delhi.
Students from various disciplines are encouraged to participate, as diverse
perspectives can lead to unique and innovative ideas.

Competition Guidelines:
1. Idea Submission: Participants must submit their ideas for easy-to-make
scienti c items through an online submission form in teams of maximum 3
members. They must provide a brief document outlining the product
concept, its implementation process, and any relevant sketches or diagrams
in the form of a ppt/pdf (up to 5 pages, excluding the introduction).
2. Feasibility and Cost-E ectiveness: The proposed ideas should
emphasise low-cost solutions that may be implemented with readily
available materials or resources.

3. Impact and Relevance: The ideas should have a tangible impact on the
campus community, enhancing the quality of life, sustainability, or e ciency
in some way.

4. Originality: Plagiarism or submitting previously published ideas is strictly

prohibited. All ideas must be original and developed speci cally for this

5. Submission Deadline: July 14th, 2023 EOD

Evaluation Criteria:
• Innovation and Creativity: Uniqueness of the idea and its ability to
address a speci c need or challenge.

• Feasibility and Cost-E ectiveness: Practicality of the proposed solution

and its ability to be implemented with limited resources.

• Impact on the Campus Community: Potential positive impact on the IIT

Delhi campus community.

Prizes and Recognition:*

• Each of the top three ideas will receive a certi cate.

• The winning ideas may have the opportunity to be further developed and
implemented in collaboration with NSS IIT Delhi and relevant campus

*NSS hours will be provided to the top entries.


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