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Former U.S.

President Theodore Roosevelt once said: “Get Action, Do things,

be sane, don’t fritter away your time create, act, take a place wherever you
are and be somebody, get action.”

Based from that statement of US President Roosevelt, it only emphasizes

that it is about time for each of us to make a stand and be somebody.

But then, it has been a torn connotation that TO BE SOMEBODY means to do

good in school and excel in our own respective field. Most of our professor
would say that without INTELLIGENCE you cannot be somebody.

To this, I totally beg to disagree.

I strongly believe that I can make a difference through my leadership skills.

A kind of leadership that doesn’t go too far with his followers. A leadership
doesn’t love POWER but embraces it with full understanding and thinking of
the welfare of the whole SGEN Community.

A leadership that depends no less on sacrifice. A leadership that is stretched

out and open to freedom of thinking, speaking and writing of my fellow

With this, we already took a single step beyond boundaries. A step towards
our Ambition – The Future Well being of the SGEN Community.

All of these are dependent of a kind of leadership I would offer.

Good Day!

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