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Find in the text the words corresponding to each illustration.

"The structure must resist loads.",„?:

"Is this the right site to build a house?"
"Will this roof keep out rain?"
" Stone is more durable than wood."
"An elevator system with awaiting time of 30 seconds is
preferable to one with a waiting time of two minutes."

These are some of the points that architects and engineers
must consider in building design and construction.
But there is also the selection of systems for electrical
distribution, water supply, heating and space division
among many others, The choice of materials, which can be
metals and non-metals, is important too. Metals
include iron, steel, aluminium, copper and nickel. Some
nonqetals for construction are wood, concrete, brick, plastics,
ceramics and glass.
The building process also needs human resources: a
construction team, made up of a group of subcontractors and
their workers (such as diggers, masons, plasterers, carpenters,
plumbers, electricians and painters),
co-ordinated by a general contractor.

Lees scan/ tke text
Tick the ideas that appear in the text.

❑ Architects and engineers must consider structural resistance.

❑ Stone is more durable than glass.

❑ Architects design and engineers construct.
❑ Wood is less durable than stone.
❑ The choice of the site is important before building a house.
❑ Elevator systems with long waiting times are the best ones.
❑ A general contractor co-ordinates the construction team.
❑ Subcontractors help their workers.
❑ Roofs must keep out rain.
Architects and engineers must consider a very few points of the building process.
❑ Building design needs construction teams.

Complete this chart.

Plasteres water supply
Iron wood

Advanced materials
Thanks to their greater understanding of the reduction in automobiles and trucks. Ceramic
structure of matter, today's scientists are engines will probably be
creating revolutionary materials. mass-produced pithin two decades.
Composite materials, foi• example, are Finally, intelligent materials are smart
complex combinations of fibres (such as materials that can anticipate failure, repair
carbon or glass) which are embedded in a themselves and adapt to the environment.
matrix of plastic, ceramic or metal. How? Through actuators and motors that
Because of their extraordinary strength behave like muscles, sensors that serve as
and lightness, they have moved nerves and memory and communications and
beyond tennis rackets and golf clubs computational networks that represent the
into the worlds of aviation, missiles, brain and the spine. Ladders that alert you
satellite systems... and construction. when they are overloaded or buildings and
They may gradually replace the steel bridges that reinforce themselves during
used in reinforced concrete. There are earthquakes, are structures built with
already a few all-composite intelligent materials. We will soon ask
buildings and there are plans to erect structures how they feel and where they hurt.
Lighter and more heat-resistant than
metals, ceramics play an important
role in engine efficiency and pollution

Think and discuss,

Justify your opinion!
Will advanced materials be dangerous ?

Yes. .. ......................................................................................

❑ No.
❑ Maybe. ..........................................................................................



Let’s scan the text

1 why can today’s scientists 2 what are composite 3 when will ceramic engines
Create revolutionary? materials? Probably be mass produced ?

Complete these sentences.
0 Composite materials have different Examples of structures built with intelligent
Applications .......................... materials are ....................................
............................................... .........................................
.............................................. ..........................................

0 Ceramics play an important role in Ladders will help to

............................................... . .............................
................................................ ...............................

Explain in your own words.

Intelligent materials are smart materials that can anticipate failure, repair themselves and adapt to the environment.

We will soon ask structures how they feel and where they hurt.




Give a title and a subtitle to each text.

Smart devices called sensors and computation

in a car that
During the coming century, scientists will microelectromechanical the device

introduce a manufacturing strategy based systems, or Mems, will detects abrupt

on machines and materials that virtually deceleration, recognises it
transform the way in
make themselves. it is called self- responds as a crash andinflates an
which the world
assembly. In this process, atoms and air bag. Data storage
to us. They couple
molecules arrange themselves into miniaturised mechanical computer displays,
ordered, functioning entities without weapons, pumps and
and electronic
One of valves are some of
human intervention. Self-assembly will components.
permit the fabrication of materials with MEMS' future massive
these MEMS, which
new properties. 'combines actuators witch applications.

Fill in the blanks with the right word.

sensors - air bags - devices
miniaturised - components

with mechanical .
MEMS are smart
They combine computation with
and electronic

and actuators.One of them activates in cars.


The choice of materials is part of. every

building process, so in the next century
houses and flats will include differe
kinds of composite andand smart
materials. Microelectromechanica/ devices,
for example, will probably transforrh the way
in which the world responds to us. They will
open a window to the world of data storage:

Actuator n, actuador embedded embutido ,incorporado Plumber (n.): plomero
Environment (n.): ambiente Pumps (n.): bombas
Aluminium (n.): aluminio Failure (n.): falla Reinforce (v.): reforzar, fortalecer
Behave (v.): comportarse Fibre (n.): fibra Reinforced concrete: hormigon armado
Brick (n.): ladrillo Glass (n.): vidrio Roof (n.): techo-
bridge n puente Golf dub: palo de golf Self-assembly (n ):
Carpenter (n.): carpintero Heating (n.): calefaccion automontaje, autoarmado
Choice (n.): eleccion Heat-resistant: resistente al calor Ste (n.):,sitio, solar
Complex: completo Hurt (v.):doler Sftal column: colurnna vertebral
Composite: canpuesto, iron (n.): hierro Steel (n.): acero
Ladder (n.): escalera Stone (n.): piedra
Concrete (n.): hormigón
Copper (n.)::,cobre Ligtnes(n.):poco Strength (n ) fuerza, res,stencia
peso , Structure Th.): estructura
Couple (v.) combinar, unir
`Data storage:' irnacenamineto Masson (n albañil Supply (n) suministro
de datos Mass produced
Understanding (n.):
Deceleration(n desaceleración Producido en masa o serie
comprension, entendimiento
Matrix (n.): matriz
Design (v/ n.): diseño diseñar Valves (n.): valvulas
Muscle (n.): musculo
Digger (n.): excavador Wood (n.): madera
Earthquake (n) teremoto Overloaded: sobrecargado
Worker (n.): obrero
Electrician (n.): electrisista Painter (n.): pintor
Elevator (4: ascensor Plasterer (n.):_yesero


Language in context
1. Choose the right option to complete the idea.
a. Composite materials are complex c. These materials may be used in reinforced
combinations of... concrete, replacing...
... fibres .. iron
... textures .. steel
b. They are used in construction because they d. Ceramic reduces...
are... .. pollution
... strong and light .. efficiency
... cheap and durable
e. One of the properties of intelligent
materials is that they can...
.. repair themselves
.. reduce pollution
1. Intelligent materials behave like...
... an engine
... a human body ,
g. Ladders that alert you when they are
overloaded are built with...
.... intelligent materials
.. resistant materials

2. Join the ideas.

1) The building process needs ... the resistance of the materials chosen.
2) Materials can be ... than wood.
3) Architects and engineers must evaluate ... it is the engineer's responsibility.
4) Stone is more resistant ... about beautiful designs.
5) If there is a failure in the structure, ... coordinates the group of subcontractors.
6) Architects are more concerned ... metals or non-metals.
7) The general contractor ... both human resources and selection of place and materials.


1. Complete these word spiders.

Diggers architects


2. Match the different types of houses to the pictures.

1 detached house
2 semidetached house
3 terraced house
4 block of flats
5 but

3. Put the words in order and complete the sentences.

gdbiulnis - maecric - degbirs - negsien - tadap - ddebdeem - reteocnc

a. Composite materials are e ............. in a matrix of plastic, c................ or


b. Ceramic e will probably be mass-produced within two decades.

c. Intelligent materials can, among other th ings, a to the environment.

d. b will reinforce themselves during earthquakes.

e. Composite materials will replace steel used in reinforced c ....................

1. There are only a few all-composite b ............................................

1.1. Put the sentences in the right order.

a. wood / Stone l durable 1.1 is I than I more

b. must I loads 1.1 structure I The I resist

c. materials I be I metal I non-metal I.1 Building I can / or

d. resources / human I . also I building 1 The / process I needs

e. complex / fibres I materials 1.1 Composite l are I combinations I of

f. metals 1.1 are I heat-resistant / and / Ceramics I more I than 1 lighter

g. can I environment 1 materials 1. the I Intelligent I adapt I to







1.2. Match these questions to the sentences in exercise 1.1.

a. Which materials are used for building?

b. What else does the building process need?
c. What is stone like?
d. What are composite materials?
e. What must the structure resist?
f. What are ceramics properties?
g. What is one of the characteristics of intelligent materials?

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the Simple Present.

study - coordinate - need - play - arrange - design - begin - construct

a. The building process also ................ human resources.

b. The general contractor ................ the group of subcontractors.

e. Engineers ............... the site to build a house.

d. Architects ................ and engineers ................

e. Ceramics ................. an important role in engine efficiency and pollution

reduction in automobiles and trucks.

f. In the self-assembly process, atoms and molecules ................ themselves

into ordered, functioning entities.

g. The design of a building ................ with its future user or owner.

Translate this paragraph.

This is a nice, easy to construct home for a wide suburban block. It has got four bedrooms and an open
plan living area ancluding family,living and dining rooms .


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