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J Intell Manuf (2012) 23:333–340

DOI 10.1007/s10845-009-0358-7

Condition based maintenance optimization considering

multiple objectives
Zhigang Tian · Daming Lin · Bairong Wu

Received: 10 July 2009 / Accepted: 21 October 2009 / Published online: 6 November 2009
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

Abstract In condition based maintenance (CBM) optimi- Introduction

zation, the main optimization objectives include maximiz-
ing reliability and minimizing maintenance costs, which are Condition based maintenance (CBM) aims to achieve reliable
often times conflicting to each other. In this work, we develop and cost-effective operation of engineering systems such as
a physical programming based approach to deal with the aircraft systems, manufacturing systems, power stations, etc.
multi-objective condition based maintenance optimization CBM is based on the understanding that a piece of equipment
problem. Physical programming presents two major advan- goes through multiple degraded states before failure. The
tages: (1) it is an efficient approach to capture the decision health conditions can be monitored and predicted (Dong and
makers’ preferences on the objectives by eliminating the iter- He 2007a,b; Yang and Chen 2009), and optimal maintenance
ative process of adjusting the weights of the objectives, and actions can be scheduled for preventing equipment break-
(2) it is easy to use in that decision makers just need to down and minimizing total operation costs (Jardine et al.
specify physically meaningful boundaries for the objectives. 2006).
The maintenance cost and reliability objectives are calcu- A CBM optimization approach based on proportional haz-
lated based on proportional hazards model and a control limit ards model (PHM) has been developed, aiming at determin-
CBM replacement policy. With the proposed approach, the ing an optimal replacement policy, that is, an optimal risk
decision maker can systematically and efficiently make good threshold control limit in this approach, for minimizing the
tradeoff between the cost objective and reliability objective. long-run replacement cost (Makis and Jardine 1992; Banjevic
An example is used to illustrate the proposed approach. et al. 2001; Ghasemi et al. 2007). This approach was devel-
oped into the CBM optimization software EXAKT (Ban-
Keywords Condition based maintenance · Physical jevic et al. 2001), and it has been successfully applied in
programming · Proportional hazards model · Reliability · many industries, including mining industry, food processing
Multi-objective optimization industry, utility industry, manufacturing industry, etc. In “Pro-
portional hazards model and its applications”, we will sum-
Abbreviations marize the basics of PHM and the applications of the PHM
CBM Condition based maintenance based CBM methods.
PHM Proportional hazards model In condition based maintenance optimization, there are
multiple and typically conflicting design objectives, such
as minimizing the maintenance costs, maximizing the reli-
Z. Tian (B) · B. Wu
ability, minimizing equipment downtime, etc. The existing
Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering,
Concordia University, 1515 Ste-Catherine Street West EV-7.637, methods only consider single optimization objective (Banje-
Montreal, QC H3G 2W1, Canada vic et al. 2001). In some cases, minimizing cost is the only
e-mail: optimization objective. In some other cases, maximizing reli-
ability, or minimizing failure probability, is the only optimi-
D. Lin
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University zation objective. When cost is the optimization objective,
of Toronto, 5 King’s College Road, Toronto, ON M5S 3G8, Canada for example, reliability can be used as a constraint, and vice

334 J Intell Manuf (2012) 23:333–340

versa. However, the disadvantage of single-objective optimi- The basic model of PHM combines a Weibull baseline
zation is that we cannot systematically investigate the trade- hazard function with a component including all the covari-
off between the optimization objectives and find the optimal ates which affects the time to failure, as follows (Jardine et al.
solution that best represents the decision maker’s preference 2006):
on the optimization objectives. Physical programming is an    m 
β t β−1 
effective multi-objective optimization approach developed h(t, Z (t)) = exp γi z i (t) (1)
in 1996 (Messac 1996), and it has proved its effectiveness in η η
addressing a wide array of multi-objective optimization prob-
lems in the field of structural optimization, product family where h(t, Z (t)) is the hazard value, or failure rate value, at
design, control, robust design, reliability optimization, etc. time t, given the values of z 1 (t), z2 (t), . . ., z m (t). The first
(Huang et al. 2005b; Tian and Zuo 2006; Tian et al. 2008). part of this model is the baseline hazard function β/η(t/η)β−1 ,
In this work, we develop an approach based on physical pro- which takes into account the age of the equipment at time of
gramming to deal with the multiple optimization objectives inspection, given the values of parameters β and η. The sec-
involved in CBM optimization, that is, the cost objective and ond part exp {γ1 z 1 (t) + γ2 z 2 (t) + · · · + γm z m (t)} takes into
the reliability objective. Physical programming presents two account the covariates which can be considered to be the key
major advantages: (1) it is an effective approach to capture factors reflecting the health condition of equipment.
the decision makers’ preferences on the objectives by elim-
inating the iterative process of adjusting the weights of the Applications of the proportional hazards model
objectives, and (2) it is easy to use in that decision makers based methods
just need to specify physically meaningful boundaries for the
objectives. An example will be used to illustrate the approach. The applications of PHM based methods in maintenance opti-
mization and reliability engineering are reviewed in this sec-

Proportional hazards model and its applications Applications in maintenance optimization

Proportional hazards model Applications in maintenance optimization combine the age

data with the condition monitoring data in PHM, so as to
Since the proportional hazards model (PHM) was introduced more accurately represent the equipment health condition
in 1972 by D.R. Cox, it has been utilized in many fields such and failure probability. Jardine et al. (2008a) described the
as biomedicine, maintenance, transportation, politics, etc. development of an optimal predictive maintenance program
(Xu and Gamst 2007; Kumar et al. 1997). It was especially for shear pump bearings in the food processing industry.
widely applied in the field of biomedicine and thousands of Measurements are taken in three directions for the bearings
papers related to this topic can be found. But the research under investigation: axial, horizontal and vertical. In each of
and application in the field of maintenance reliability engi- these directions, the velocity spectrum is obtained in five fre-
neering has not yet come to maturity. From 1990s, interest in quency bands. In addition, overall velocity and acceleration
applications of the PHM in this field has greatly increased. are also measured in the three directions. Lin et al. (2006) pro-
PHM has begun to be adopted to deal with various compo- posed the application of a principal components proportional
nents and systems, such as aircraft engines, machine tools, hazards regression model in condition based maintenance
and power transmission cables. The most important reason (CBM) optimization. The oil analysis data set was collected
that the PHM is a good approach to analyze the reliability data from transmissions on haul trucks in a mining company.
is that it can take into account the condition monitoring data A similar research using oil data from transmissions in 240-
and operating condition data to estimate the failure probabil- ton heavy hauler trucks can be found in the paper by Makis
ity and for making maintenance decisions. The proportional et al. (2006).
hazards model is a valuable statistical procedure to estimate PHM was utilized by Vlok et al. (2002) to determine the
the risk of failure of equipment when it is under condition optimal replacement policy for a vital item which is subject
monitoring. In this model, the effects of different covariates to vibration monitoring. In their study they chose circulating
influencing the time to failure of a system can be estimated, pumps in a coal wash plant as the research case. The lifetime
such as the parts per million (PPM) of iron or lead in the data was collected based on a period of 2 years. Their study
lubricant oil in the truck transmission system. The PHM can showed that, even with some problems in collected data,
take various forms, but all of them are made up of two parts: vibration measurements can be used in proportional hazards
a baseline hazard function and a function including all the model and that a useful decision policy can be obtained.
covariates which affect the time to failure. Kobbacy et al. (1997) proposed a heuristic approach for

J Intell Manuf (2012) 23:333–340 335

implementing the PHM to schedule future preventive main- the degradation mechanism, the real world customer usage
tenance actions on the basis of the equipment’s full condition profile and rig life testing. The proportional hazards model
history, using data from four pumps operating in a continuous is also widely utilized in many other fields, such as air-
process industry. craft engines (Jardine and Anderson 1987), locomotive diesel
Jardine et al. (2008b) used the EXAKT software to build engines (Jardine et al. 1989), etc.
an optimized condition based maintenance policy model for
the interpretation of inspection data from hydro-dyne seals in
a nuclear reactor station. The PHM based statistical decision Multi-objective optimization techniques
methodology was applied to determine the optimal times at
which to perform proactive maintenance. Ansell and Phillips Review of multi-objective optimization methods
(1997) used PHM to illustrate the repairable data from the
hydrocarbon industry. The data set consists of failure data in Engineering optimization problems typically involve multi-
a pipeline arising from a set of different causes and infor- ple conflicting objectives. A general multi-objective optimi-
mation supplied on a daily basis on average temperature and zation problem is to find the design variables that optimize
the stress the system was under. In the research by Rao & a set of different objectives over the feasible design space.
Prasad (2001), PHM was used to analyze failure data and A mathematical formulation of the multi-objective optimi-
plan maintenance intervals for dumpers in mining industry. zation problem is given as follows (Huang et al. 2005a):
In this paper PHM was applied to model the failure rate of a
repairable equipment whose performance is affected by con- minimize f (x) = { f 1 (x), f 2 (x), ..., f m (x)}
comitant variables. Graphical methods were used to deter- Subject to x ∈ X
mine the maintenance intervals. where x is an n-dimensional vector of design variables, X is
the feasible design space, m is the number of design objec-
Applications in reliability analysis tives, f i (x) is the objective function for the ith design objec-
tive, and f (x) is the design objective vector.
Applications in reliability analysis are applying PHM in the Because of the conflicting nature among different design
measurement and prediction of the reliability of equipment objectives, it is typically impossible to achieve the best val-
by using covariates to describe different operating condi- ues for all the objectives simultaneously. One of the most
tions. Kumar et al. (1992) used PHM to examine the effects widely used methods for multi-objective optimization is the
of two different designs and maintenance on the reliability Weighted-sum Method. It converts a multi-objective optimi-
of a power transmission cable of an electric mine loader. The zation problem into a single-objective optimization problem
study by Prasad and Rao (2002) considered failure data from by using a weighted sum of all the objective functions as the
cables of an electrical loader hauler dumper in an under- single objective. The mathematical model of the Weighted-
ground coal mine. The failures due to electrical problems, sum Method takes the following form:
compressed air and cable fault were found to be significant.

They also applied PHM to study the reliability of repairable minimize f = wi f i (x)
systems considering the effect of operating conditions with i=1 (3)
an example of thermal power unit. Elsayed and Chan (1990) Subject to x ∈ X
developed a PHM method to estimate thin oxide dielectric m
where wi is the weight of objective i, and i=1 wi = 1, wi ≥
reliability and time-dependent dielectric breakdown hazard 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
rates, including two groups of models: group one doesn’t Augment weighted Tchebycheff programs (AWTPs) is
consider interactions between temperature and electric field, another widely used method for multi-objective optimiza-
while group two analyzes interactions between these two fac- tion. The mathematical model of AWTPs is presented as fol-
tors. JoWiak (1992) developed an approach to utilize PHM lows (Huang et al. 2005a):
in reliability exploration of microcomputer systems. In this
approach, he examined the effects of two concomitant vari- 
min α + ρ (1 − z i )
ables, temperature and mean daily user’s exploitation time i=1
of the system, on system reliability, and found that the PHM s.t. α ≥ λi (1 − z i ), ∀i (4)
f i (x)− f inadir
with Weibull baseline failure rate has considerable potential zi = f iideal − f inadir
, ∀i
for estimating equipment failure rate in the presence of time-
x ∈X
dependent and time-independent concomitant variables.
Campean et al. (2001) presented a general PHM based where a is a variable satisfying the condition in the con-
methodology for camshaft timing-belt life prediction model- straint, and ρ is a small positive scalar. f ideal represents the
ing. The approach aimed to establish a correlation between utopian point, that is, f iideal is the optimization result with

336 J Intell Manuf (2012) 23:333–340

the ith design objective as objective function and x ∈ X as gi


constraints. λi is the weight of objective i, and i=1 λi = 1,

λi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , m. f inadir denotes the worst value


of the ith objective function among all the Pareto points, or
non-dominant point. A design variable vector is said to be
Pareto solution if there exists no feasible design variable
vector that would improve some objective functions with- gi1 gi2 gi3 gi4 gi5 gi
out causing a simultaneous increase in at least one objective
Fig. 1 The Class-1 soft class function
function. z inadir can be estimated by the optimization result
with the minus of the ith design objective as objective func-
tion and x ∈ X as constraints, or it can be estimated by simply Physical programming allows the designers to express
being assigned a value based on experience. ranges of differing levels of preference with respect to each
The Weighted-sum method and the AWTPs method are design objective with more flexibility. For Class 1-S, as shown
hard to use, because we need to specify the weigh values, in Fig. 1, there are six ranges: Highly desirable range (gi ≤
which do not have physical meanings, and there are no sys- gi1 ), Desirable range (gi1 ≤ gi ≤ gi2 ), Tolerable range
tematic approaches to find the best set of weight values for (gi2 ≤ gi ≤ gi3 ), Undesirable range (gi3 ≤ gi ≤ gi4 ),
these models. Other more sophisticated multi-objective opti- Highly undesirable range (gi4 ≤ gi ≤ gi5 ), and Unac-
mization methods have been reported in the literature. Huang ceptable range (gi ≥ gi5 ). The parameters gi1 through gi5
et al. (2005a) proposed an interactive multi-objective opti- are physically meaningful constants associated with design
mization method, and applied it to reliability optimization. objective i. What the designer needs to do is just to spec-
Baykasoglu et al. (2004) presented a tabu search method for ify ranges of different degrees of desirability (highly desir-
solving multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling prob- able, desirable, tolerable, undesirable, highly undesirable,
lems. Taboada et al. (2008) developed a multi-objective and unacceptable) for the class function of each objective.
multi-state genetic algorithm for system reliability optimal Given the specified boundary values, the class function for a
design. Li et al. (2009) presented a two-stage approach for design objective can be constructed using the method devel-
multi-objective decision making. Konak et al. (2006) gave a oped by Messac (1996).
tutorial on multi-objective optimization using genetic algo- The range boundary values define the intra-objective pref-
rithms. However, comparing to the multi-objective optimi- erence, while the “One versus Others” criteria rule (OVO
zation methods presented above, the physical programming rule) describe the inter-objective preference. Suppose there
method is easier to use, because it does not include the inter- are two options: (1) full reduction for one criterion across
active process of adjusting the weighs, and it is very effective a given preference range, say, the tolerable range; (2) full
in capturing the designers’ preferences on different design reduction for all the other criteria across the next better range,
objectives. The physical programming method will be dis- say, the desirable range. The OVO rule decides that option
cussed in more details in the next section. (3) is preferred over option (4). The OVO rule is incorporated
in the method of constructing the class functions.
The aggregate objective function is built by combining all
The physical programming method the soft class functions, and thus the multi-objective optimi-
zation problem is converted into a single-objective optimi-
Physical Programming is an effective multi-objective opti- zation problem, and can be solved using optimization codes.
mization method that explicitly incorporates the designer’s Typically, only Class 1-S functions (to be minimized) and
preferences on different design objectives. Physical program- Class 2-S functions (to be maximized) are the soft class func-
ming captures the designer’s preferences using class func- tions that we have, and the physical programming problem
tions. A class function is a function of a design objective. model can be formulated as follows (Messac 1996; Tian and
The value of a class function represents the preference of the Zuo 2006):
designer on the objective function value, and the smaller the  
n sc
class function value is, the better. Class functions are classi- min g(x) = log10 n1sc i=1 ḡi [gi (x)]
fied into four classes: smaller is better (i.e., minimization), s.t. gi (x) ≤ gi5 (for class 1 - S)
larger is better (i.e., maximization), value is better, and range (5)
gi (x) ≥ gi5 (for class 2 - S)
is better. Consider for example the case of class-1 soft class x jm ≤ x j ≤ x j M
function (class 1-S), the qualitative meaning of the prefer-
ence function is given in Fig. 1. The value of the objective where xjm and xjM are the corresponding minimum and max-
function, gi , is on the horizontal axis, and the corresponding imum values for design variable j, n sc is the number of the
class function, ḡi , is on the vertical axis. soft design objectives in the problem.

J Intell Manuf (2012) 23:333–340 337

The physical programming method has the following probability of preventing failure from occurring. Thus, the
advantages (Messac 1996; Tian and Zuo 2006). Equation reliability objective R can be calculated using the following
(1) the iterative weight-adjusting process is eliminated, thus equation:
the computational burden is substantially reduced; (2) The
designers only need to specify the physically meaningful R = 1 − Q(d). (7)
boundary values for each design objective, not those mean-
ingless weights, which makes this approach very easy to use; The cost and reliability objective values can be calculated
(3) The designers’ preferences are specified on each design using the method developed by Banjevic et al. (2001).
metric individually, therefore, physical programming is suit-
able to deal with a larger number of design objectives. The physical programming model

The physical programming model for the multi-objective

The approach for multi-objective CBM CBM optimization is developed in this section. In this work,
optimization using physical programming we have two optimization objectives, cost and reliability. The
cost objective class function is an increasing function, as
In this section, we present the approach for multi-objective shown in Fig. 2. The lower the cost, the better it is. The val-
CBM optimization using physical programming. The meth- ues in the figure are just to qualitatively illustrate the cost
ods for calculating the cost and reliability objective values class function. The reliability class function is a decreasing
will be presented first. function of reliability value, as shown in Fig. 3. The higher
the reliability, the better it is.
Calculation of the cost and reliability values The physical programming approach transforms a multi-
objective optimization problem into a single-objective opti-
The CBM optimization approach based on proportional haz- mization model. The soft class functions of design objectives
ards model, and the method for calculating the cost and reli- are combined into the aggregate objective function f , which
ability objective function values, were developed in Makis is to be minimized. The physical programming-based opti-
and Jardine (1992) and Banjevic et al. (2001). A summary of mization model for CBM optimization problem is given as:
method is given in this section. In the PHM based CBM pol-
icy, if the observed hazard rate h(t, z(t)) multiplied by K at min f (d) = log10 21 [ḡ R (R(d)) + ḡC (C(d))]
the given inspection point of time is greater than a certain risk s.t.
threshold value d, preventive replacement action should be R ≥ R0 , C ≤ C 0
taken; otherwise operation can continue. If a failure occurs, a d>0
failure replacement will be performed. Thus, the risk thresh-
old value d determines the PHM based CBM policy. The
objective of CBM optimization is to find the optimal risk
threshold to optimize the cost and reliability objectives.
The cost objective C, that is, the total expected cost per
unit of time, can be calculated based on the following formula
(Banjevic et al. 2001):

C p (1 − Q(d)) + C p + K Q(d)
C= , (6)
W (d)
Fig. 2 The cost objective class function
where C is the average cost per unit of time. C p is the pre-
ventive replacement cost and C p + K the failure replace-
ment cost. Q(d) is the probability that failure replacement
will occur, that is, Q(d) = P(Td ≥ T ) . Td = inf{t ≥ 0 :
Kh(t, z(t) ≥ d} is the preventive time at the risk level d.
W (d) is the expected time until replacement, regardless of
whether it is a preventive action or failure, that is, W (d) =
E(min{Td , T}), where T is the failure time. Once the optimal
risk level, d*, is determined, the item is replaced at the first
moment t when β/η(t/η)β−1 exp(γ Z (t)) ≥ d ∗ /K .
The reliability under a CBM policy is defined as the prob-
ability of performing preventive replacements, that is, the Fig. 3 The reliability objective class function

338 J Intell Manuf (2012) 23:333–340

where ḡ R and ḡC are the class functions for the reliability The transition probability matrix is required for calculating
objective and the cost objective, respectively. R0 and C0 are the cost and reliability measures. The transition probability
the reliability and cost constraint values, respectively. Given matrix indicates the probabilities of a covariate in different
a risk threshold value d, the corresponding cost and reliability ranges at the next inspection time given its current range.
under the CBM policy can be calculated. The objective func- Assume the inspection interval is 20 days. The transition
tion values are used to further calculate the corresponding probability matrices for the three covariates can also be esti-
class functions. The aggregate objective function can then mated using EXAKT. The transition probability matrix for
be calculated and optimized to find the optimal risk thresh- covariate VEL#1A is shown in the Fig. 4. As can be seen,
old value. As can be seen from (7), the optimization problem the covariate is divided into 5 ranges, and the transition prob-
can be formulated as a single-variable optimization prob- ability values are shown in the figure. The matrices for the
lem. Many optimization methods can be used to solve such other two covariates will not be listed here.
an optimization problem. In this application, the preventive replacement cost is esti-
mated to be $1,800, and the failure replacement cost is
$16,200. Thus we have K equal to $14,400. Given a certain
An example risk threshold value d, the corresponding cost and reliability
value can be calculated. The cost versus risk threshold plot
To illustrate the proposed approach, we use the example of and the reliability versus risk threshold plot are shown in
CBM of shear pump bearings in a food processing plant. Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The risk threshold d is in the log-
The case was reported by Banjevic et al. (2001). The objec- arithm scale, since the relationships can be better presented
tive is to find an optimal condition based replacement policy in the plots in this way.
to minimize total long-run expected replacement cost, and To use the physical programming approach, we need to
to improve reliability, given the condition monitoring data first indicate the preferences on the objectives by specifying
(vibration data) and replacement histories. the boundary values for each objective. Suppose the specified
Totally 21 vibration measurements were collected using boundary values for cost and reliability are given as follows:
accelerometers, including vibration data in axial, horizon-
tal and vertical directions for the overall velocity, velocities [gC1 , gC2 , gC3 , gC4 , gC5 ,] = [8, 10, 12, 15, 20,] ,
in 5 bands and acceleration. There are 25 histories in the [g R1 , g R2 , g R3 , g R4 , g R5 ,] = [0.99, 0.98, 0.95, 0.90, 0.80,].
recorded data, including 13 failure replacements (ended with
failure) and 12 preventive replacements (ended with suspen-
sion). Using the software EXAKT (Banjevic et al. 2001),
the significance analysis was performed, and three signifi- 24

cant covariates were identified: VEL#1A (band 1 velocity in

the axial direction), VEL#1V (band 1 velocity in the vertical
direction), and VEL#2A (band 2 velocity in the axial direc- 20
tion). The PHM parameters can thus be estimated, and the
Cost ($/day)

resulting hazard function is given as follows:
β t β−1 16
h(t, Z (t)) =
η η 14
· exp {γ1 z 1A (t)+γ2 z 2 A (t)+γ3 z 1V (t)}
 4.992−1 12
4.992 t
1,584 1,584 10
-2 -1 0 1 2 3
· exp {5.831z 1A (t)+36.55z 2 A (t)
Risk: ln(d) ($/day)
+24.05z 1V (t)} (9)
Fig. 5 The cost versus risk threshold plot
Fig. 4 The transition
probability matrix for covariate

J Intell Manuf (2012) 23:333–340 339

to each other. In this work, we develop a physical program-
ming based approach to deal with the multi-objective condi-
tion based maintenance optimization problem. The physical
0.96 programming method presents two major advantages: (1) it
is an efficient approach to capture the decision makers’ pref-

erences on the objectives by eliminating the iterative process
0.92 of adjusting the weights of the objectives, and (2) it is easy
to use in that decision makers just need to specify physically
meaningful boundaries for the objectives. With the proposed
0.88 approach, the decision maker can systematically and effi-
ciently make good tradeoff between the cost objective and
0.86 reliability objective. The example illustrates the effective-
-2 -1 0 1 2 3
Risk: ln(d) ($/day) ness of the proposed approach.

Fig. 6 The reliability versus risk threshold plot

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